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Everything posted by Trollrah

  1. I think i ruined my chance. I was in the boss room, and i clicked the wrong button and walked out. now all the lights are out and i cant get back to the boss room. halp!
  2. Right then, name changed. Do you feel like offering?
  3. auction ends 24 hours after last bid, or when suitable price has been reached. will consider instant price offers, i guess. fake offers will be reported
  4. I literally gave pictures of where to find each part of the quest. start at the guy, go find each marker that i indicate, it'll lead you straight to the reward.
  5. I don't even know if that'd be possible to code or not. But the fact is, membership and clothiing items and mounts support the game and make sure it's here to stay for all of us to enjoy. If they started that up, everyone would feel great about it, until they logged in months later, and no one has bought the other memberships often enough, so the game is offline now cause no donations in months. Think about that please?
  6. This quests starts with the guy on the little island with the sick pokemon in Lilicove. Find the item maniac's house on route 124, it is the dive spot just above. Follow that around and fight the npcs there. Once you get that, head back to the guy in lilicove, and you're good to go! (If you're having issues viewing the images, simply right click them and click open in new tab. That will work.)
  7. Negative, it is a fresh start each server.
  8. Dig spots are yummy
  9. Oh you had best beleaf I'm joining this guild, if Gio ain't making Team Rocket. Whadduya say m8?
  10. :( I can't offer more, sorry
  11. As soon as I regain contact with daycare client, I'll have this money, but I don't have it yet... That being said, I'll offer 100k
  12. If you're posting players that have used this service, and highly reccommend it, put me there!! I r Trollrah!
  13. Accepted, will pm you a receipt in forums and friend you in game!
  14. Hey man, college is much more important for you than making me a signature :) Don't worry about it, I got plenty of things at the moment to occupy me, lol. Have a nice day!
  15. Re: WTB Party Hat! <t>Hey, I have a green party hat for sale. Pm me here with an offer!</t>
  16. Accepted, I will pm you a receipt in a few moments and friend you in game to discuss pick up arrangements!
  17. Sorry for the delay, Do you still need service, because I'm able to accept pokes again! (for leveling)
  18. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Dizzi"><s> </e></QUOTE> I've been waiting for days, I almost trained all...<e> </e></QUOTE> Please have patience. We are very busy lately and are working avidly to train all pokemon given to us and do real life things. Real life will always come before the game. Again, we are working as hard as we can to train all of the pokemon in a timely fashion. Thank you for your patience.<e> </e></QUOTE> Apologies, I tried contacting you for a while after your post, but I think you went offline, then I've had some real life issues come up, and haven't had a chance to hop in game the last day and some. Again, I apologize.</r>
  19. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Spongeboy"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> accepted, will pm you receipt in forums!</r>
  20. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r>[ref]Kirugin[/ref], <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/a6fk02">https://prntscr.com/a6fk02</URL><br/> all done!</r>
  21. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Furbyvikingo"><s> </e></QUOTE> I can accept your order! will pm you in game, and will make a receipt and pm your on forums as well!</r>
  22. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Kirugin"><s> </e></QUOTE> Accepted. Will pm you receipt!</r>
  23. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Soulrend"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <QUOTE author="SuriX"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> please use the form<br/> 1</r>
  24. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="emjhei"><s> </e></QUOTE> accepted! will pm you your receipt!</r>
  25. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <r><QUOTE author="Babshi"><s> </e></QUOTE> Accepted, and already pm'd receipt and picked up, also, note has been made on receipt that you already paid.</r>
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