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Everything posted by Mathers88

  1. Due to players' availability and timezone issues, I am going to forfeit my match. My opponent can only battle after 10PM. This translates to 2AM for me. Yeh... If anything, my round 1 opponent may take my place since they both have the same timezone.
  2. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>[align=center]I would like to register!<br/> Server: Red<br/> Timezone: GMT<br/> <br/> Trainer Card: <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/f2a8d2748c214591b053db3bf52e661c.png"><s></e></IMG>[/align]</r>
  3. +1. same case here. tried both 64/32 versions.
  4. Username - mathers88 Would be super cool to receive something from the developer of PRO.
  5. https://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php Gen VI onwards HP power is constant @ 60
  6. Timid @ Lum Berry Nasty Plot, Psyshock, Giga Drain, Aura Sphere/Flamethrower Wall Destroyer
  7. What's your IGN? Ranked rating? Do you use a Shadow Tag Goth?
  8. Write it then, not for me, for staff. I've read all you've said. I've also replied to some relevant discussion. No I'm not bored from seeing those Pokemon. I don't mind facing those Pokemon. Because those Pokemon don't cause me problems.
  9. ^ Oops. lol. Right, debate. A wise man once said: It's began... Cancer is spreading. That quote is a pretty accurate prediction of what is about to happen to PvP. Now then, we are going around in circles here on this debate and a decision needs to be made for the future of Ranked PvP, so for PRO Staff, please consider: Suspect - Shadow Tag Ability. Currently, we are allowing an ability to be used that has been banned in competitive play (and still IS banned) for THIRTEEN years now. Now why would that be? It's classed Uber on Smogon/Pokemon Showdown (formerly Shoddy Battle), Serebii, Azurriland (formerly Marriland) and I imagine most other competitive sites. Have all these people stayed insane over such a wide span of time to ban this ability? No. In this thread, thus far, 2 RANKED PvP owners of a Shadow Tag Gothitelle (tr3y and irafayel) confirm it's over-powered, unbalancing, uncompetitive nature. 1 RANKED owner (Bong2015) refuses to use a Shadow Tag Gothitelle due to aforementioned reasons. As for my stance on this, if I was the only person with a Shadow Tag Gothitelle on ranked PvP - I would not lose #1 Rank, ever. Bold statement? That is the over-powered nature of a potent, uber Shadow Tag Pokemon. (If Staff require examples/scenarios, I'd be happy to do it over PMs, with recorded battles from ranked PvP). But of course Shadow Tag Gothitelle is potentially obtainable by all, so now more and more people will want one for their own teams because they've witnessed the impact it makes from battling against me... Both servers right now have 2000+ players? How many Shadow Tag Gothitelles will circulate in a week? 2 weeks? A month? 2 months?... Which will lead to: Side note: I keep quoting FatManClt because, firstly he cannot be more correct and also because he's tried to act in the best interest for the future of PvP, instead he's been ridiculed and laughed at. In conclusion, Shadow Tag ability needs to be banned. :y:
  10. Encore doesn't work yet. But yes Shadow Tag Wobbuffet also belongs in the ban list.
  11. What counters? Shadow Tag Gothitelle has no true checks or counters. It can pick and choose what it wants to kill every time, removing key threats and allowing team mates to sweep. How does Uber in PRO not equate to Uber in Smogon? It's even more of a problem since we don't have fully working moves/items/abilities, yet.
  12. I think we're severely under-estimating the ability 'Shadow Tag' on a Pokemon with a fully functioning useable move pool on PRO. Since the introduction of abilities from the days of Ruby/Sapphire through to all the subsequent 4,5,6 generations of competitive play, this ability has always been forbidden in any environment other than Uber. How can you counter something you can't switch out from while it goes on to set up on you? (Barring certain rather situational scenarios). A team built around Gothitelle with the other 5 party members supporting it to counter it's 'counters', cannot be beaten easily, unless we know for definite that the opponent has a Gothitelle, even then an experienced trainer [with time] will have all the right checks to it's possible counters. Also, is it just me? Or, what's wrong with banning Pokemon which are classed as Uber on Smogon? They don't just make all this up out of thin air or because they just feel like it...it's all been tried, tested and proven.
  13. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>"TORKOALL" [anime]<br/> <br/> Klefki time indeed.</t>
  14. This man speaks sense. https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/gothitelle/uber/ Read. Thanks.
  15. Start: 350k. Instant. 600k Start 400k. Instant 700k.
  16. sry for misunderstanding. I still think there are enough counters to staraptor (aerodactyl, metagross, skarmory, relaxed bronzong, galvantula, Stealth Rock, ...) Yeh, it doesn't matter too much... staraptors are mainly used as leads, it takes care of most other leads, the problem for opponent is... what to switch in. Most walls used currently in ranked will get 2HKO'd. But with recoil and all, it's easy to revenge kill I guess.
  17. Trash is a normal type move --> no effect against ghost --> gengar with thunderbolt and expert belt can switch in and revenge kill it. have u ever tried a relaxed tyrannitar or bold+sturdy Magnezone? Aggron (strongly resisting flying and normal) and metagross (resists flying and normal) are now ingame too. imo outrage and trash arent problems since the move locks the user and there are immune pokemons available to at least revenge kill it for a 1 for 1 trade. I didn't mean the move 'Thrash'. A Reckless Staraptor would normally have: Brave Bird, Double Edge, Close Combat, U-Turn. Thrash is not affected by Reckless. Besides you'd have to be careful switching in Gengar, unless you know 100% it's not going to be a Brave Bird, or else RIP Gengar.
  18. @aman are you currently playing ranked? You know your stuffs. I agree with the battle clauses, it's been brought up many times before but nothing yet done about it. Although the top 25 usually abide by these rules anyways [sleep, species, OHKO] In the current PRO-Meta nothing bar Skarmory can take a thrashing from Sharp Beak/Silk Scarf Reckless Staraptor...with a Choice Band? :boot: People rarely use Skarmory, no Shed Shell.
  19. First and foremost thank you ever so much @Red for creating this thread :) This topic is exactly what's been lacking all this time with respect to PvP. I fully agree with the list of moves suggested by daenerys. Outrage and Drain Punch should be banned. With regards to banning pokemon, at this moment in time there is a counter to every ranked viable pokemon. Edit: Just a suggestion, if multiple debates do end up getting cluttered here, maybe we can open up a thread for that one specific discussion? And possibly create a 'public' vote on the issue, where we can see names of the voters - not sure if that is possible on the forum.
  20. Calling me a noob? Please do elaborate. you can't counter 1 uber? not much of a comp player in that case You seem to be a bit of a joker, go to pokemon showdown/smogon/other competitive sites, challenge them to a fight with an uber pokemon in your team while telling them they cannot use any uber pokemon. Proceed to tell them they are noobs and teach them all the ways they can counter you. I'm sure they can use an entertainment break.
  21. I share the same opinion noob Calling me a noob? Please do elaborate.
  22. +1001 :Light:
  23. These Pokemon [ https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/formats/uber/ ] must NOT be allowed on ranked PvP. They are over-powered and Ubers for a reason. I consider usage of these to be on the same level as using bugged or banned moves, if not WORSE. Play fair. Set an example to the rest of the PRO community.
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