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Everything posted by Yuefu

  1. ok it's sold to you pm me in game its yuefu
  2. BO: 300k Instant 600k
  3. Thanks for sending your time helping me hunt a good tangela, but this tangela isn't good enough. Since it's a tier 2 pokemon, I want it to have +25 in its main stats. This is a tangrowth that was offered to me for 350k but I want something better. Can you please hunt some more. Thanks, Yuefu
  4. Can drain punch be used in PVP since it's only a visual bug?
  5. Can drain punch be used in PVP since it's only a visual bug?
  6. Start bid: 300k Ends in 48 hours
  7. Just to let you know only buy if it fulfill the requirements and at a acceptable price
  8. WTB sassy Tangrowth 300k one
  9. POKEMON : Tangela NATURE : Sassy IVS : 15+ attack 25+ spdef def hp 15+ spatk ACCEPTABLE IVS : 20+ spdef def hp ABILITY : Regenerator OTHER SPECIFICATIONS : YOUR OFFER : up to 1 mil depending on quality Have you defeated all regions? : Hoenn
  10. WTB this Conkdeldurr if lowered to 250k
  11. Message me here or in game please. IGN: Yuefu.
  12. thankyou for letting me join
  13. The guild I'm currently in is inactive so I want to join an active guild that can help me out in PRO
  14. 1. What's your Player name? Yuefu 2. Number of hours played? 317 hrs 3 min 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Mew 4. How old are you? 18
  15. 1. What is your ingame name? Yuefu 2. How old are you? 18 3. What’s your favorite thing to do? PvP, hunting shinies, trading or just hanging out with people? Trading and Training 4. What are your ambitions in PRO? Become successful in PVP 5. With so many guilds available, why Paradox? Paradox is a guild filled with active and ambitious players. Also Paradox has lots of experienced players that I hope will help further my knowledge of PRO. 6. How active are you on discord? On everyday
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