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  1. Today. I try to find my Lopunny but I cant fint it. Maybe it was realized (I think after 20 Dec 2022) but I didnt know that. Sorry for not have ID or screenshot of it. Could you restore it to me? Server: Silver OT: 0989587569 Poke: Lopunny Lv: 100 Abi: Klutz
  2. Name: Burnitdown Server: Blue I caught a Pinsir with 294 points.
  3. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect) <t>[mention]PurpleMauth[/mention] , [mention]PreHax[/mention] thank you guys</t>
  4. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect) <t>If I and other npc got the same scoring, who win?<br/> I have scyther 231 scoring and npc has 140iv parasect 231 scoring. I lose. Why?</t>
  5. 3rd reward: I chose Skorupi but he gave a Deino to me. tell me why?
  6. it's back. thank you so much xD
  7. I checked. But it is not in my box. Can u check again for me?
  8. here is a guide for that :P How to Add Images/Photos to Forum Posts thank you
  9. can u tell me how to post photo here?
  10. i released my shroomish level 98 ID 9060266. can i get it back? please help me!
  11. last time is 23 March 7:05 pm local time
  12. - 4300. not + 4300, now it's - 4320
  13. tell me what i have to do He told me come back in [highlight=yellow]- 4300[/highlight] minutes.
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