Today. I try to find my Lopunny but I cant fint it. Maybe it was realized (I think after 20 Dec 2022) but I didnt know that.
Sorry for not have ID or screenshot of it.
Could you restore it to me?
Server: Silver
OT: 0989587569
Poke: Lopunny
Lv: 100
Abi: Klutz
Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect)
<t>[mention]PurpleMauth[/mention] , [mention]PreHax[/mention] thank you guys</t>
Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect)
<t>If I and other npc got the same scoring, who win?<br/>
I have scyther 231 scoring and npc has 140iv parasect 231 scoring. I lose. Why?</t>