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About Trollplayz

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  1. Hello everyone, today I'm auctioning a rotom! Auction starts by the time this post was made, for 48 hours exactly. Start Offer for it is 500k, min bid 50k, insta price 4m. If someone bids in the last 15 mins, time extends for 15 mins. Good luck everyone!
  2. Hello everyone, today I'm auctioning this big boi! Auction starts by the time this post was made, for 72 hours exactly. Start Offer for it is 4 millions, min bid 100kk, insta price 12m. If someone bids in the last 15 mins, time extends for 15 mins. Good luck everyone! Auction Timer: https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=72:00:00&date=2023-05-24T13:00:08
  3. ANOTHER 8 MONS ADDED TO THE SHOP, sold a starly
  4. 1.6m barboach
  5. all trades have been made
  6. Auction over. Winners are: @Tkl070701 karrablast 200k @Parrilam absol 100k @Brandon1999 scraggy 180k Congratulations to all.
  7. less than 3 hours left. karrablast increases to 120k
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