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Everything posted by Riccatt

  1. Welcome to PRO. I see you already received lots of guild invitation :)
  2. Welcome to PRO Enjoy your stay! :)
  3. As Nathan says, is the TM not to have been coded yet. This has no relation with Marshtomp, but the problem is the TM itself.
  4. Post it here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31058
  5. Ok ty very much. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. As soon as I can I'll leave cyanogenmod and I'll try with the original OS of my S4. Thank you very much :Grin:
  6. Cerca di essere più chiaro: non hai spiegato il tuo problema.
  7. As many of you already know, PRO android had problems with Touchwiz, the Samsung "HomeScreen App", that caused the loading of the game to stuck on "loading hats". I installed cyanogenmod on my mobile with the only purpose of playing PRO and it works flawlessly. What I wanna ask is: with the new Android version, which is really lighter and loads a thousand times faster, is there still the problem with Touchwiz and Smasung devices or it has been resolved. I ask this because I kinda hate cyanogenmod and I'd like to go back to my original OS, but by doing that I wouldn't be able to play anymore. So is the problem with Samsung devices still there? Thank you in advance for your availability.
  8. I agree, +1. I am tired of having half of the forum page black while I am on my mobile.
  9. If you played at least one time, the account shouldn't have been deleted. Let's wait for an admin here.
  10. I bet you are definitely making a mistake with tour login credential
  11. As Tiarra shows you, they are inmplementing a new hardware for the Red server. Ok but i use blue server .. Blue is laggy. I told you about Red because in your support ticket you wrote "RED".
  12. Try again donwloading from HERE
  13. As Tiarra shows you, they are inmplementing a new hardware for the Red server.
  14. Non mi suoni nuovo, ci siamo già incontrati?
  15. Welcome to PRO! Red will be up in a few hors because they are implementing a new hardware, so hopefully we will have a more efficient and less laggy server in the very near future.
  16. Before you extract the files, delete completely the old ones. Don't overwrite.
  17. ciao avete un posto in gilda ? Certo, espellendo gli inattivi xD
  18. Try to redowload the client
  19. A resuming pop-up of the caugjt pokemon would be nice. Btw it gas already been suggested several times.
  20. No way to switch server atm. This would kill the economy of the blue server which is "younger" than the red one. Also servers have completely different databases and staff atm is noto interested in working on a switching feature.
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