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Naser40's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Pseudo dans le jeu : naser40 Temps de jeu : 1090 h Âge : 27 ans Quelques mots sur vous : je m'appelle Nacerdine j'habite dans l'algerie je joue à pro depuis 5 ans avec des pauses Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : tt finis Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu ( farm, collection de PKM) ? : farm, collection de PKM Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ?i am a retuner XD Pseudo Discord : naser40#1746
  2. so i just lost 10 max pp and 30 pp ups for nothing nice :/ well i am rich enough to buy them again but what abt all the rest people ??? fix the server plz or do some autoupdate every second or what ever a way to back up anything lost its totally and unfair and may cause people to leave specially new players :/ PRO already lost so many players been here since 2015 i remember when servers had 1.4 k queue waiting to log in :/ now max is 700 people in server :/ please do something abt it u can postpond any major update we prefer stability then unstable game upadtes no offence i know u r doing ur best but still try fixing this servers problem its causing a lot of other unwanted prblms
  3. Hi my name ingame is naser40 i play i ngold before server crashed earlier this morning i used 10 pp max and arround 30 pp ups for my pvp pokes when server crashed while i was pvping i didnt notice first then next i saw that all my pp have been reseted and all my pp max and ups are lost if u need evidance i can ss please check this please :/ and please fix the servers :/
  4. sold for instant for johann14
  5. thank you brother <3
  6. new offer 500 k by jodsn
  7. u have the c.o
  8. u can bide in here or in game my name in game is the same Naser40 current offer is 400 k by buz3her u can bide with cash or CC ( CC is 230 k for me no negotiation on that ) min bide is 25 k instant is 1.2 m ^^
  9. wts epic riolu 3 days limit ( 14/04/2019 afternoon ) C.O is 500 k by Jodsn offers in here or ingame ( Naser40 ingame acct name ) ivs are: 23 28 30 13 31 30 adamant i reduced the instant price to 1 million again feel free to offer here or ingame
  10. this is the id of the h.a tepig i released on a mistake action yesterday can i have it back or no ?
  11. oh thank you very much it is fixed now thank you for your hard work and thank you for everything
  12. ok i will try it right now
  13. i bought a safari pass after the free safari thing but after 1 run it asks to buy it again so i just lost 50 k and cant even get access to anyother safari region the officer npc says that i have the pass but the gate wont let me in so either u fix it or reboot/crash the server :/ so many players lost thier money already so please fix this thing
  14. Pseudo dans le jeu :naser40 Temps de jeu :481 h 34 min Âge :26 ans Quelques mots sur vous :j'ai joué pro depuis 1er jour j'ai bcp d'ami mais la majorité on stoppé j'ai quitté Silver et j'ai recommencer dans Gold pour une nouvelle expérience Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? :oui Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? :terminé toutes les régions Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? :farm collection then when i am ready learn how to pvp Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? pour une nouvelle expérience et pour que j'apprendre la langue francais :p
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