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Everything posted by Parasfm

  1. Well i need this mouse just cause i want a new nothing more :P i got a new car, need to get a new pc and new mouse if i get this one better and gl to all :D Ign: Parasfm .
  2. Hey hey hey put there a shiny porygon too xD ( and dont know if you counted it ) but i have a shiny pika too :$ cause you said there loyal and didnt puted mines :$
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>Will the jamie and james come back after 300hours+ ???</t>
  4. after lets do a meet you won the audiction.
  5. Bump the topic
  6. New bo (sry for the long time iam in low time work problems xD.
  7. You have the new bo , it ends in 14/04 or when i get the instant that i puted just now 1.2m.
  8. You have the bo.
  9. You have the BO.
  10. Selling this shiny Pikachu, Best Offer : 750k instant:1.2m. [image]https://i.imgur.com/14eEuUM.png[/image] The auction ends in some days (depends in the offers).
  11. [image]https://i.imgur.com/yRUlCtJ.png[/image]
  12. Well i really loved that idea and the part of disconect i agree too that should count as loss cause alot of people just rage quit cause dont wanna losse ( some say its net problems but why they only have net problems when they are lossing a battle ? xD).
  13. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r>more 1<SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  14. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  15. Ty all and i hope we all will have some fun ( and that i get a riolu/gible/sneasel and inkay) muhahaha xD
  16. Hi evil, well iam like Xhaj i played alot of online pokemon games (maybe the most of then :P) and Pro its the better i found ^^ then like somesthings said " Scanning: 100% <Completed> Search Results: PRO is the best Pokemon MMO " :xiagree:
  17. :x89: guys, @arnie yes and that's a really what a game needs :xiagree: @PaNkaj well maybe i personally dont remember yours but i used to hang out on blaze xat sometimes too. @Chappy when someting its not showing progress and you see other better people tend to go to the better one .
  18. Hi iam new to Pro well maybe some of you know me from pwo :P well really expecting for pro to fully come out and hope that we all can be friends Pro comunity :Thumbs-Up:
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