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Everything posted by Justroman

  1. >Farms money on victory road Im gonna sound hella rude but this part killed the whole thing for me. I read that, saw the wall of text and just skipped to the end to see if it got better. The nail in the coffin was that a comp team takes a week to prepare. Now if you're wanting extremely good pokemon with near perfect IV's sure it might take a week. However, I've EV trained 3 things and gotten them to level 100 all in a day at dragon den its just so fast, not to mention all the money farmed while doing that. Tl;dr : Complete something before you critic it. If you stop at the halfway point of course things wont be optimal.
  2. Wow, you sure told all of us, it's like you read the entirety of the thread and decided to come up with this exciting new argument that no one tried before! Except, not really. Stop thinking short term. What I said isn't new and exciting, but neither is this "problem". People that don't want to work for something rare don't deserve it. People that don't want to work hard enough to get it, won't. This is true in many aspects of life. Contrary to whatever you believe some things need to be difficult. There needs to be a goal. I know, it is sad you dont everything you want instantly for no reason.
  3. We need to be able to hotkey every single emote in the social tab. I dont want to chase some random person and have to manually click on this icon :devil: I want to hit a button and run circles around them while they wonder who I am. I need to be able to pretend im an NPC using hotkeyd emotes. Staff plz :Heart:
  4. Bai
  5. I dont see this ever happening but this could be fun and kinda replace breeding ( or in the case of this game be a substitute?) and make some people happy. So I was thinking that it would be really cool if once a pokemon hit level 100, you could "rebirth it" and bring it back to level 1 or 5 and increase a single IV point by 1. Now that I think about it after you rebirth it, it could have the option to learn its egg moves. This system may be pulling too much from digimon tho. ( or at least the one handheld version of it that i played.) The IV increase would cap after a while so that a pokemon could not reach 31 x 6 just from this system. I think the cap should be around 10, since often people get pokemon that are "almost good" it just allows for small re rolling with a lot of time consumption. Interesting idea is interesting :kiss:
  6. this isnt a hand held, this is an MMO. you are a product of variance deal with it.
  7. theres a pokeshop that sells ultraballs inside the johto safari zone.
  8. these are unranked battles who cares if disconnecting should count as a loss or not lol besides that +1 timers are needed
  9. they cannot change the timer lower, they can however make it higher.
  10. 1. Use escape ropes to do this. 2. subway system erases the need for this. 3. solid idea. 4. no you can already rematch the trainers in the gym theres no reason to get the gym leader too. 5. allows people to faceroll regions bad idea.
  11. the subway system replaced fly. ability and nature re-rolling are interesting but seem bad. The price of vitamins is supposedly 8k now anyway.
  12. if you want further elaboration go look around the forums its there.
  13. Justroman

    Team Wailord

    That video is art in its purest form best of luck with anything ever.
  14. Everything but the EV training rooms is a good idea. +1
  15. Hypnosis, Spore, Sleep Powder, Stun Powder, all of these should be able to be used, I personally hated Johto because of that quest.
  16. I didn't like the idea of an EV training area simply because I thought it would be too easy to EV train and even brainless, lazy people would have pokemon that were EV trained. After exploring the area a little bit more and seeing that there is no nurse there almost balances it out. It still seems overpowered in my opinion even though you'd have to buy elixirs. The only thing that should be added to this map is a "Smuggler" type npc. He would sell potions and elixirs at an extremely inflated price. Assuming someone one shots pokemon there and gets on average 2 EV's per PP used, 10 pp = 20 EV's (you purchase 10 EV's for 28k) the price has to be quite high but not too high to where leaving and repaying the 15k is worth it. Anywhere from 1-2k per elixir increases the sink for taking the easy way out.
  17. Elite 4 Timer Everyone that has made it to the elite 4 and lost knows about the cool down time of 24 hours. I don't particularly have a problem with this system at all in fact i think its kinda cool, it allows for friends to battle or for people to train potentially encountering a shiny. Its annoying but its healthy. The problem here is that there is a chance to not know when the time is up and you can challenge them. Yesterday I lost to the Johto elite 4 (I'm a scrub wanna fight about it) but I don't forget what time I lost. After training a Pokemon from 50-95 I was feeling confident I could take them down. I attempted to try the elite 4 again, where I was prompted with the "Try again later" text. What I think would be a nice change, is a timer counting down from the moment you lose in the elite 4 to be prompted to you instead of that text. If you lose at 18:00, then the clock counts down from 24:00 to 00:00 until the following day on 18:00 allowing you to see around what time to come back if you didn't pay attention to the time you lost. Tl;Dr : Add a timer so we know exactly when we, of the baddie population, can challenge the elite 4 again please :Heart:
  18. I dont like how poorly the AI acts sometimes. For example : Using self destruct every turn on a pokemon with damp, using ground type moves on Pokemon with Levitate, using fighting type moves on ghost type pokemon. Im fairly certain the AI just tries to use the move that will do the most damage, so since Gengar is a poison type it'll try to use earthquake and such repeatedly to kill it. I actually used a level 5 gastly to kill Bugsy's Pinsir because for some reason it locked itself into a fighting type move. A level 1 gastly with toxic could potentially take out entire teams of level 100's with the current system and I think thats silly.
  19. These are by no means changes that the staff team should kill themselves over to produce a.s.a.p or potentially at all however I think it would make the game more appealing if only in the slightest. These changes can obviously come whenever a large enough portion of the game is released that the staff feel they can focus on the little things. 1. Increased HP Bar Dynamics It'd be great to see the HP bars show a % for players similar to PokemonShowdown. However, Having the bar simply turn Yellow when entering the 50% area or Red when reaching a critical amount of health are a good start. Currently its a little tricky to tell if you'll KO the enemy or just leave them at a tiny sliver of HP. (I'm assuming this is already being worked on) 2. Battle Log / Battle Log Tab Another not very important feature, but comes with some nice quality of life changes would be either a chat tab or an entire little window next to your battle that shows you a detailed list of moves used during your battle. As someone who likes the largest amount of information possible available this seems like a nice change. Putting the exact amount of damage or a % may be too much of a crutch for some players but a simple move log would be rather appreciated at the very least. 3. Moving Pokemon Move Orders Pretty self explanatory, but it's a question that comes up a lot in all chat (not that I have to tell you guys that) 4. Clothing Preview Some cosmetics are a bit vague. After going to the Johto region and seeing a second tab of "Casual Clothes" I was tempted to buy the white outfit, however fearing that the outfit was the same outfit as if I had no clothes on I did not purchase the Outfit. Giving us either an area or a "wardrobe" function to test outfits on our characters before buying them could potentially increase spending on the outfits. *Saving statistics of clothing tried on VS Purchased outfits could give you an idea of the most popular cosmetics giving you an idea of what bar to match when making new Cash shop Cosmetics creating higher quality CS items furthering sales with both currencies*
  20. get in there kid go get em~
  21. The Macho Brace is gotten in Johto through a trade with an NPC for his machop the machop with be holding the item after the trade is done. You can also buy proteins and the likes in the celadon dept. store for 28,000.
  22. Names JustRoman as you can see, feel free to call me Roman. NOT Justro plz people that do this drive me insane seriously... I'll hunt you down harder than a shiny larvitar. Favorite pokemon are tyranitar and scizor ever since I saw the celebi movie when I was a kid. The plan so far is to wait for hoenn to come out since its my favorite region and then I plan to pretend to be a rival npc and mess up random strangers as they come along. Good Luck when Hoenn comes out ladies and gents~ :Angel:
  23. Btw you may want to do another guide for Johto, if you want I'll assist.
  24. Another HP hotspot is in celadon with surf on grimers. you can see muks and koffings but grimer is the most common.
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