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Everything posted by Darkstephen

  1. Re: WTB> Epic Bold Alomomola and Calm Amoongus (Regenerator) <r><QUOTE author="BaTHaLa"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> I have this! <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/RU6kC6A.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. Re: UPDATED 02/09/16 | SiTzei's Market Place <t>2m for Galvantula!</t>
  3. Re: UPDATED 02/09/16 | SiTzei's Market Place <t>i offer Galvantula for 800k!!!!!!!!!!!</t>
  4. Re: UPDATED 02/09/16 | SiTzei's Market Place <t>Wanna Galvantula Offer 800k!</t>
  5. Can you come online ingame? and pmmm me Darkstephen!
  6. i really wanna buy Hippodown...
  7. i wanna buy Kingdra, pmmm me please!
  8. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Mounts & Others] <t>hello? Can you pmmm me? i wanna buy Politoed</t>
  9. Re: ✿Tomato Day Caring✿ ( Opening) <t>Hello?</t>
  10. Re: HeavenlyBlue's domain <t>I want pikachu 80k please!</t>
  11. Re: Shiny Crobat and some Rhydons, Scythers, Tynamos <t>i will buy that Crobat!</t>
  12. Are Blissey and Medicham still in stock?
  13. Crobat 100k?
  14. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>Senpai didnt notice me :((</t>
  15. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>1: 290+ hours<br/> 2: Champion of Hoenn.<br/> 3: Top PvP<br/> 4: Is that Zoro-sama xD!<br/> 5: Sure!<br/> <br/> But now, i got banned till 10-8-2016 so maybe i will join guild later if you accpect my apply. Thanks!</t>
  16. Re: Villidan's Pokeshop(updated H.a modest sylveon 6th August and others) <r><QUOTE author="villidan"><s> </e></QUOTE> Whats up...there must be a reason.<e> </e></QUOTE> i have posted topic in appeal arena but none answer yet...</r>
  17. Re: Villidan's Pokeshop(updated H.a modest sylveon 6th August and others) <t>Dear my friend Villidan<br/> <br/> Hello dude, Its me, i got banned until 10-8-2016 and i didnt know the reason....so im here to talk to you that i dont want Chansey anymore, keep hunting Dragonite for me if you can.<br/> <br/> Thank you !!!!<br/> <br/> Your dude - DarkStephen!</t>
  18. Re: Really epic Medicham + Eevee H.A added nature +SpAtk <t>I will buy Medicham for insta 1mil but my account got banned now. Release in 10/8/2016. Can you wait?</t>
  19. Re: ♚♚ Golden Empire Daycare ♚♚ OPEN - Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="LiquidSnakeK"><s> </e></QUOTE> Have no fear! We understand the issues going on may prevent our clients from receiving their pokemon, but rest assured we will be holding them safe and sound (at least for 30 days) until you are able to collect them.<br/> <br/> -SnakeK<e> </e></QUOTE> Thks love ^o^!</r>
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