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Bhimoso last won the day on January 8 2024

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About Bhimoso

  • Birthday 11/13/1995

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Veteran Trainer

Veteran Trainer (7/12)



  1. I guess I didn't manage to find you online today, I'll try tomorrow again!
  2. I'll try to log in tomorrow morning in GMT+2 time so we can meet. What times do you play on normally? I'll try to contact you then.
  3. Actually I'll outbid myself, 2m.
  4. 400k on Raichu.
  5. Wtb pumpkaboo 20+ and 31 speed timid ha vulpix alolan, 700k total
  6. I'd like to buy the Jolly 31 31 Axew Mold Breaker for 150k.
  7. WELCOME TO BHIMOSO'S SERVICE SHOP! DEX SERVICE For ALL POKEMON FROM GEN 1 TO 4. (Except legendaries which are obviously not tradable). ^currently working on buying Gen 5 and 6 Pokemon for 10 to 20k each, hit me up to sell them to me if you don't want them anymore. The price for each Pokemon's Caught Data is 5k. No matter how common or rare or how many Pokemon you order. You will be traded the Pokemon on a 10 minute Lend Trade and the Pokemon will be sent back to me automatically. You cannot keep the Pokemon. (As if it wasn't obvious by now). LENDING SERVICE The Lending Service is a Lending service where you will pay per days (not hours). I have over 1100 (yes, over a thousand) PvP level 100 Pokemon + HM slaves + leveling up Gyarados + entire Boss Teams. Whatever you need, basically. They can also be used to rush Story. You can order the lending of up to 6 Pokemon at the same time. The time limit is 7 days. You will get a free 24 hours on every lend. This is in case you have something IRL that interrupts you on the same day you ask for the lending. The price per 24 hours per pokemon is 5k. If you're a good client/newbie, I will give you extra free days. Newbies get better treatment! PAYMENTS ARE ALWAYS IN EVERY TRADE. No "delayed payments" or "I'll pay you later". Pokemon will never be traded with an item. Request pictures of the pokemon you might be interested in and I'll tell you if I have it or not. Boss Team Lending Service 5 Fully trained Baton Pass Boss teams (moveset ready and stuff) available for lending anytime. These are: Gorebyss - Pangoro - Magnezone - Skarmory - Golduck - Whimsicott. Prices mentioned above apply. Leveling Team Lending Service Three Gyarados (Moxie, Adamant, nearly 20+ fully ready) at levels 39, 69 and 100 (each one has three available) to powerlevel your pokemon anywhere! Prices mentioned above apply. DAYCARE SERVICE EXP to 97: 80k CURRENTLY NOT DOING - 1.640 million EXP group unless you pay me 100k 40k full EV service 252 252 4 ^leveling is ALWAYS done up to 97 ^I normally finish everything in less than 24 hours but I take it chill lmao ^the maximum pokemon I accept at once is 5 pokemon. STORY SERVICE Kanto: 4 to 8 Badges + Elite 4: 300k Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh: Every 4 badges it's 300k. The entire region is 600k. The last 4 badges also include the Elite 4. I will also do your Sinnoh Access Quest. I bring my own pokemon and a normal mount and a surf mount to do the rush quickly. You do not need to give me anything. PAYMENT METHODS AND ACCEPTED ITEMS AS PAYMENT: 1 RC = 7k, 1 PP UP = 2k 1 PP MAX = 6k Contact me here, ingame or Discord, derp9032
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