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Everything posted by Onlytk

  1. 1.3
  2. 1m1 for it bro!
  3. Hi! Are u onl now? My ingame is Onlytk.
  4. Hi! Wanna buy ur ha clefable (250k)
  5. Hi guys. I wanna buy some epic pokemons that could use for pvp. Here's my whishlist - Adamant Multisacle Dragonite (27+ atk & speed, the rest 20+ is ok) - Modest Magnet pull, hp fire Magnezone (25+) - Timid Contray, hp fire Serperior (26+ speed, 20+ satk) - Timid hp ground Volcarona (26+ speed & satk, the rest 15+ is ok) Just inbox me here or in-game. I will pay well. Thanks so much!!!
  6. I start it bro :)
  7. I start #4 and #16
  8. Hi! I start your Naughty Scizor (300k)
  9. wanna buy insta your timid Magnezone bro
  10. 400k for magnezone can bro?
  11. Hi bro! Wanna buy ur gliscor 1, bisharp 3 and Tangrowth 3
  12. I'll start it :)
  13. Ah after i lended poke. my friend : Gaobestscam was lending his Pelipper to help me pass quest vulcan p2. but he say Pelipper was returned normal.
  14. onlytk and luvboa is 2 account of me. Yesterday, i lended poke in 10days and use Luvboa fighting boss Vulcan. At between 2 lend trading, i remember i was trading Gyarados by Luvboa. And after win boss Rin in vulcan. i return pokemon and shut down my pc. Today, i see breloom wasn't return, i return Breloom and check poke. I cant find 5 poke other and post in forum...
  15. Can you confirm me those are the trades? Salt yes that is all poke i lended yesterday
  16. Sorry my wrong. 6 poke lend is: Breloom, Blissey, Lanturn, Whimsicott, forretress and Wobbuffet.
  17. Hello, My name is Onlytk. Yesterday, i lended 6 poke :( Breloom( id: 28345791), Blissey bold ( dont remember ID), Lanturn calm(id: 28085295) , WhimSicott bold , Dragonite ada hiden ability, and Forretress) for other account is "LuvBoa", and now i dont find 5 poke others breloom. Only Breloom i return at 16h 18/9/2019 (gmt +7), other returned ~ 2h 18/9/2019(gmt+ 7). Please help me. Thank you. Sorry if I posted wrong place!
  18. WTB Membership = 1m4 each. pm me in game pls. thank you!!!
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