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  1. I have no problem with it, like you said, if both parts agree there's no problem. But i still think its funny to offer something to both servers while making the buyer responsible for changing, just makes no sense to me.
  2. Sure, but if I, the buyer, is the one going to change servers, all auctions, sales and shops are cross server! I can bid on any auction in any server since im going to change, makes no sense to me to see a auction that has [CROSS SERVERS] and i am the one who needs to change.
  3. Hi, im seeing a lot of "cross server" auctions, but they all make the buyer responsible for changing servers... What's the logic? If its a cross server i expect the seller to change.
  4. Not only fun, it also helps people who wants to learn/teach PvP
  5. Buy Mokanji 60k friend guard Clefairy.
  6. Yeah, catching a legendary is easier than finding a good channel to watch... I really really like Terry104 channel, i think its the best by a wide margin, but its in portuguese, i believe the auto-translate works good,. Here's a video where he show his team: Although its in portuguese you can see his mons and there's some battles with this team on his channel. He also has the best video on teambuilding i watched. There's also Belzebel that i like to watch, she has a video building a team and show some of her pokes and also explain what she is doing in most videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkRlpvgV2q2ol3jMAYzV79w There are others, but these two are the ones i watch the most, if you still can't find a team you can ask in the foruns or join a guild and they will help you to build one. About the things they don't explain, i feel the same a lot... Also, most of the time im battling im using smogon to check my opponent pokes and another tab to check types. What helped me the most was using the same team a lot and planning how to counter the pokes on the most used list.. I think that part of the problem is that there's no easy way to learn, its just a huge amount of info that you need to put in your brain...
  7. Noob here, i have more or less 50% winrate at PVP at low ranks. First, you don't need 31/31 pokes to win, i always look for 25+ IVs on atk/spatk for offensive pokemons and 20+ IVs on defenses for bulky, with speed you don't need 31, but the amount varies with the speed tier you're competing, you can use this list to check speed: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2vR3497vIBXJ6lhHtMXJHvfcjiUa8MYtmZWrUN9OnY/edit?usp=sharing Second, you're probably a noob like me, and the hard part was that most guides i found teaching PvP were bad... I think the best way to start is to copy somebody team (preferably somebody with lots of matches you can watch) and play with then until you start to undestand better how to play. About the list of pokemons, each month PRO gives you a list with the most used pokes on that month, here's: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/142666-url You can use this list and smogon to check the sets people are running, besides this, try to watch other people playing, helps a lot.
  8. -1 I don't think the problem is the difficulty building a pvp team. It's part of the MMO. I think the problem is that it takes to long before you can work towards a PVP team. I have a lot of fun hunting, training and buying pokes for PVP. But it took me nearly two years to complete history and some quests just because I couldn't find any fun doing history or training a rattata do 80... My experience is similar to both of my friends that I brought to PRO to play PvP.
  9. Althought its a lot of work, i don't think its hard as creating a new region and i really believe it will enhance the PvE aspect of the game, usually MMO needs strong end game content to keep players playing, the PvP renews itself as players are always changing their teams and strategies. But the PvE i think its pretty stale. Bosses are repetitive and you only have the legendary hunt but you don't have a renewable end game content that can also bring players (guilds) together. I also think that once the base of the system is implemented the rest can be added easily, and the system can be slowly enhanced (think instead of the staff telling us the rules that will be used next month, we need to fight bosses to get info about one rule, this will make guilds hunting bosses to get an edge the next season). About the work part. The visual part should be really easy as it only need some new NPCs on the gyms. The programing part may be a problem. -To enforce the team building rules they can use the system they already have for PvP, may need to enhance it, but this benefits PvP too. -The battle rules can be a problem as i don't know how the battle system is coded. - Since everything is draw from a pool they just need to create the pools, then all gyms draw at random from the same pool, i don't think the drawing part is problematic to do, but the pools may be. (But i stop with programing ten years ago, so i can be totally wrong about everything) I think the hardest part is creating the rules and balancing the system, this probably will need a lot of testing...
  10. My ideia is to create a PvE system around the gyms/elite4. Every month you get the chance to challenge all the gym leaders and elite 4 earning points for each victory (1 for each gym, 5 for elite four). In the end of the month players are ranked and get rewards. Guilds could compete againt each other in the same way PvP works. All gyms have level 100 pokes with correct nature/ability/evs/item. The key to my ideia is giving random rules to follow in each gym that changes with time. Rules that alter the way you should build your team (i don't like to give examples as i think people here get to obsessed with examples and forget about the general concept but its needed here...): -No batom pass -All pokes must be grass type -Ability Prankster not allowed -Defensive natures not allowed And rules that alter the battle like: -Rain always active -Every turn all pokes are hit by earthquake -Leftovers equiped on opponent team (plus their normal item) -All opponent pokemons have sturdy (plus their normal ability) (again, these are just examples, needs to be adjusted) Having random rules will make this system more interesting than bosses (seriously, bosses are f****** boring) and could make a competitive system for PvE players since there's no guarantee to win, sometimes you sweep the entire gym, sometimes you can't pass first poke, but a good player should be able to win more. This will help with game economy also since players will need to be getting new pokes to fight new rules, pretty much like we need to get pokes for PvP as the meta changes instead of getting 6-10 pokes to form a boss team. Here's how i think the system should work -You can fight 2 gym leaders every day, if you lose to both you can fight a third one to get rewards but no points/badge. -You can challenge elite 4 once every day and only after getting all 8 badges of it respective continent. -Every 6 hours the rules to build your team change (this allows you to borrow pokes from your guild/friends), each gym has a different ruleset for team building, this allow guilds to discover the better gyms and focus their members there. -Every hour the battle rules changes and every gym has its own set of rules making it impossible to 100% predict and raid a gym. -In the gym you fight 3 members and then the gym leader, you can't use item in battles but can use after, leave the gym and you lose (this makes people sink money in potions). -The rules are draw from a pool at random, the staff can control which rules will be in the pool and the chance of it being draw (then they can show us the rules and probability of each a month before so people can hunt/trade for pokemons to counter it) -Pokemons are also draw from a pool at random but respecting their gym type. I believe this system can create an interesting PvE content that also allow competition (the game needs PvE guilds) and respect the game lore. I also believe this system is a huge work for staff but once its implemented they just need to change the pools (both poke and rules) to refresh things. But this work pays off as it creates a end-game content that is always changing and giving players reasons to play. I also don't know if its technically possible. (english is not my first language, so forgive my mistakes)
  11. Maybe a better solution is creating "two coins", keep the PVP coin like it is now and a "battle coin" that is given for each poke you defeat. Then an alternate shop with non-tradeable itens geared towards helping begginer PVP players, like TMs, Rare Candys, Tutors (looking at you Draco Meteor), Ev Berries/Boosts, maybe some synchable pokes...
  12. +1 Giving a reason to keep fighting in a losing game is really good.
  13. Buy Gabriel Nidoking and Senrosia Aerodactyl
  14. I really don't understand why they denied you suggestion to add HP on poke card...
  15. Buy Serperior 400k
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