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Everything posted by Longlakenby

  1. 28 spd, 31 spatk can worth 1m+
  2. 350k-600k
  3. Deino ~50k-100k Sliggoo ~150k Magikarp 50k-80k
  4. Tyranitar ~200k-250k Lavitar if lv100 can worth ~500k
  5. Gengar ~100k Snorlax ~200k-250k Dragonite ~150k
  6. Don't have nature, if it lv100 can worth ~100k
  7. I think it can worth ~100k-150k
  8. Did not see your picture @
  9. Rate 7/10, it can worth ~200k-300k
  10. sneasel 80k-100k arcanine 150k-200k
  11. It can worth ~150k
  12. Mandibuzz 250k-350k Dugtrio 300k-400k Volca, Clef 20k-50k
  13. Selling shiny post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=111
  14. 300k-400k
  15. ~150k-200k
  16. 300k gengar 30 spd 200k gengar 28 spd
  17. Tyranitar 500k-650k Ferroseed 50k
  18. Slowbro, Tyranitar 200k-350k Gliscor 300k-400k
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