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Everything posted by Longlakenby

  1. Re: EPIC Dusknoir <t>B u m p :)</t>
  2. Larvesta 200k-350k Rampardos ~500k Bastiodon 1m-1.4m Scrafty ~700-800k
  3. 300k-400k
  4. SOLD 280k by Faiden
  5. Pkm high lv 10k-20k
  6. Re: Shiny Floatzel <t>Bump :)</t>
  7. 300k-450k
  8. Re: Epic Ada larvitar <t>170k here</t>
  9. Great idea :)
  10. 150k :)
  11. [glow=red]Start bid 2.5m[/glow] I accept MS (15d = 175k / 30d = 350k / 60d = 700k / BMS = 150k) Auctions for 1 week :) End ?:00 - ?/?.
  12. 200k-350k
  13. Go to sleep :))
  14. Selling light ball 50k. Buy pm me ig :)
  15. Re: WTS Shiny Machamp Jolly No Guard <t>150k here :)</t>
  16. Beedrill wings worth 150k
  17. Breloom 450k-700k Lucario 500k Salamance 500k-600k Good luck :)
  18. Hello, you need to talk to Buck in the stark Mountain Heatran room to get back your rare candies. OMG :)) Tks u very much :Smile:
  19. Pls need help, I lost a lot of money and rare candy so need help
  20. I'm battle with npc but close and come back pc, - money and lost rare candy
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