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Everything posted by Longlakenby

  1. Muont 30c ~125k Ghost 12 100k
  2. 500k-700k
  3. I think 300k-500k
  4. It can worth 1m-1.5m
  5. Dratini ~30k Fletching ~150k-200k Skarmory ~300k-500k
  6. i think ~500k-700k
  7. ~80k-100k
  8. I think it can worth 1.5m - 2m
  9. Re: Shiny Floatzel <t>B u m p :)</t>
  10. Klefki ~500k-700k Haroxus ~800k-1m
  11. Wtb post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=113
  12. Haunter, Raichu, Roserade, Rhydon can worth 20k-40k Slowpoke ~5k
  13. 2 gastly same
  14. It wrong nature and ability, can worth ~5k
  15. 8/10, it can worth 350k-450k
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