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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Oh okay ! Thanks for the answer
  2. Hi, why do we take dammage when we attack with struggle with the ability Rock head? Not coded or bug ?
  3. Gardevoir timid sold ( delta alt )
  4. weedle jolly sold
  5. Pm me guys when you are log, i am
  6. Larvesta bold sold
  7. Gible h.a impish sold Pawniard adamant defiant sold Marowak alola h.a sold
  8. Hawlucha adamant unburden sold
  9. Thank you for the answer. And i am sorry for my mistakes. The auction is now over. Qutlu won the auction. @Qutlupm me ingame when you can take the pkmn thanks
  10. Okay, adding 15min auction. biding under 3min left
  11. Start by triplosetti 1m
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