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  1. Hello, I lent a level 100 Dragonite to someone in Cinnibar. I hit the 'trade' button and not the 'lend' button and realized immediately, so i tried to ask for them to trade it back so I could lend it properly for the agreed upon time. When I asked for this, the other party (ign: Groding) refused to cooperate and went offline for a few hours. When i was finally messaged back, they had moved on to Johto. When I asked if they had any intention of giving the pokemon back, they said 'no' and left the pm. I would like to get this Dragonite back if possible or at the very least have some action taken against Groding for effectively stealing the pokemon. The sale took place on Cinnabar Island, July 25, 2019, at around 18:50 EST my IGN: UchihaAlpha offender's IGN: Groding Thank you.
  2. Hello :) The other day (7/18/19 around 16:00 EST) I made a deal to lend 5 level 100s to someone for an hour. Being in a rush between trades I believe I selected "trade" instead of "lend" and am unsure of where the recipient is now. I have the PokeID of 1 of the 5 pokemon so hopefully that can help track them down. It was 2 dragonites, 1 lucario, 1 blaziken, and 1 ninetales. I have the ID of the blaziken and an image of the Lucario (as riolu) (down below). Thank you for any help you can give! - UA/HQR Blaz: 9265201
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