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Everything posted by Pve

  1. Server: Gold ID: i don't remember all ID of them Hi staff, 10 days ago (4:50 pm GMT +7, 3/9/2021) i got scammed, the guy has changed my password and released 9-10 box pokemon of me. Now i got account and email back, please help me restore all of my pokemons was released in that time, because i reported and my account was banned after the action happened
  2. Insta sharpedo Contact me: Discord Mew#6750
  3. Pve

    Help me please!!

    Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh button on the bottom toolbar- Log out, and then back in. Also, you can try to battle with the player(after you lose the battle you will get teleported to PC). i cant go out to battle :(, and cant move then logout
  4. Pve

    Help me please!!

    Have you relogged? If nothing else works, I'd use an escape rope. I've been tried, and I dont have escape rope
  5. Pve

    Help me please!!

    Have you beat gio's mewtwo? I won hoenn :(
  6. Please! I'm stuck in Gym8 Kanto, can not get out of here!
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