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Voldis4 last won the day on March 20 2018

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About Voldis4

  • Birthday 05/21/1993

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  1. Hello, I realised i released a durant by mistake maybe at haloween event.... since all is an h.a Durant... can u guys restore i dont mind to deleate all others durants if u guys restore all durants .... thanks in advance.
  2. Oh thanks goodness! thank you @Shinohara! Just an suggestion, not sure someone already has talked about this but there it go, why not add a TAB at PC to check the deleted Pokémons , and then in a certain time it will get permanent deletion or something like that style , many games use this. to not worry about of this topic. well see u arround!
  3. what sup. how u doin? I really mess up with Elekids..... i mean ... i dont recall deleting any of my elekid and im sure one of the elekids was there to train, today i tried to find it out, but no success... i know maybe will be a huge thing to ask, but can u please , recover all my elekids? im so sorry. i dont mind later to trash the unwanted ones.
  4. Welcome! @Luckynico! Have a nice journey! If you also new to the the pokémon series i advice you to check this articles, they may help you: How to train a pokémon: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/23706-guide-best-ev-training-locations/ How to get legendary Pokémon: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/163727-legendary-megathread-complete-quests-and-seen-data/ How to get Mega Stone: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/164725-how-to-get-all-mega-stones-wave-1-2-complete-walkthrough/ How to pass kanto Region: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/41693-complete-kanto-walkthrough/ Hidden items: (Not updated but can help alot!) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159582-2020-hidden-items-on-progress-november-18-2020/ Have fun!
  5. Ingame Username: Voldis4 Server : Silver Regions Finished: Kanto and Johto. Started: Hoen. Reward Wanted: 2 Iv rerolls. ( im about to be a father and Ms is not an option for now). Kanto Experience My experience in the Kanto region was an ok one. I didn't have a hard time doing the story, however, I know the story and all kinds of gyms (stone, water (...)). I think this knowledge made me easily pass the zones, which I believe newbies can't do or take longer to do. I don't think it's impossible to do that, but I think the Exp rates should have a default or improved value. As for the only encounters such as the Legendary Birds, I think they should have a defined experience value instead of 6k as I received, since it's only once we battle. I recognize that this new way of gaining experience is positive for the story, but on the other hand, in the end there are no great places where you can evolve until lvl 100 so it doesn't make sense all the places that currently have nurces, (Rock tunnel, Seafom, Cerulean Cave ....). To conclude, I think the Xp rates on the current servers are well established and I think this update only makes it difficult for trainers to train pokemons 80+ to experience the end of story, at least in the Kanto area. Kanto Progress Images: Johto Experience The johto region was easy. In the first to the fourth gym with the choice of totodile, progress was not a problem, the exp was excellent without any question regarding the difficulty. From the fifth gym onwards I noticed that it was necessary for me to explore the place a bit since there is no story that forces the player to go to the safari zone or whirl islands, in this sense I had to gain experience in the trainers around of the places I mentioned. In the sixth gym there wasn't much to go on since he's just the gym leader. The experience base of the Seventh and Eighth Gyms was spectacular, because of the team rocket base, this base has to be reworked, it's a bit "unfunny" and in the first entry the player has no consequence if he goes to the right or to the right. left as in the original games. Finally, the last dragon gym leader is very strong, for the experience received between cities since the Ice path is empty and without trainers. I think it would make sense to have trainers and have puzzles with Strength or something else to at least make this process more challenging. The levels to challenge the Elite 4 are very crooked compared to the level I left the last gym. Johto progress Images: Conclusion for the whole story Experience:
  6. This guide will aim to explain what is needed to do in order to complete the Vulcan Plazza Quest. Completing this guide unlocks a required part of Victini Quest. Content Requirements Introduction How to go Vulcan Plazza area? Phase 1: Get Started Phase 1: Plazza Minigames Phase 1: Boss Fight: Mini-game Master Phase 1: Find Wedding ring! (Optional) Phase 1: Reward Phase 2: Missing Pokemons! Phase 2: Hungry Tyranitar Phase 2: Team Rocket Hideout Phase 2: Stolen Pokémons Phase 2: Boss Fight Phase 2: Reward Introduction At this new recent created Town called Vulcan Plazza, an interactive park just opened to all trainers in order to have fun! The grand objective of this quest is to participate in all mini games win every each one! But an evil plan is behind all of this. Are you prepared to this challenge?! Phase 1 Requirements Access to Vulcan Island Completed Main Vulcan Quest, Vulcan Town Completed Latis duo Secret Garden Quest , Alto MARE A Surf Pokemon or Mount A Bike or Mount 5000$ at least for registration A Solid Boss Team Difficulty: Hard Length: Long - Very Long How to go Vulcan Plazza? Requirements: Surf Pokemon or Mount. Plazza area is southeast part of Vulcan Island. At Vulcan Island shore use an mount our surf Pokemon in the beach sea and surf all the way to right side. Keep Surfing to South till reach a beach, Vulcan plazza is just right side of there. Getting Started Requirements: 5000$ at least for registration. To participate player must interact with a NPC in order to unlock the mini-games area. This NPC is located inside Vulcan fair registration center, Player must pay 5000$ poke dollars to progress. When this action is done, Tour Guide will be outside with a group of trainers blocking the way. Interact with it to unlock mini-game area. Vulcan Plazza Mini-games All mini-games must be completed with a higher score that appears in every sign next to it. Tie scores doesn't count as win. Every Mini-game have time to be completed. There's a total of 8 Mini-games, those are: Rapid Spin Scizors Says Fiery dance Slush Rush Griddle Whirl Pool Amazing Mr.mime Whack-A-Moonguss 1. Rapid Spin Requirements: Bike or Mount. Objective: Complete laps in the less time possible avoiding Ekans, it will stun player and lose some seconds. Patterns changes? Yes. Required Score to first place: 24+ There is many Patterns. The Hidden content will show the hardest patterns to avoid Ekans when it appears: There are no solutions since the laps are random, but there's two good technic to complete laps: Doing "/Foreveralone" command. Zoom the game IN at Options. 2. Scizor Say Requirements: Good memory. Patterns changes? No. Objective: Copy every single Scizor step precisely. Required Score to first place: 10+ . Solutions: 3. Fiery dance Requirements: Bike or Mount. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Interact with lever and avoid Fire Tiles. Required Score to first place: 11+ All player needs to do is avoid Fire tiles. 4. Slush Rush Requirements: None. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Slide and get hit from a Stone Block. Required Score to first place: 21+ Recommended : DO not Interact with tiles! it will make then disappear! 5. Griddle Requirements: None. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Walk and step every square floor. Required Score to first place: 11+ Solutions: 6. Whirl Pool Requirements: None. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Find and interact the required hunted Fish, every turn time is reduced. Required Score to first place: 21+ 7. Amazing Mr.mime Requirements: None. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Find path and interact with Mr.mime. Required Score to first place: 6+ There's no science between this mini-game, since the walls are invisible , equal to Fushia's Gym. 8. Whack-A-Moonguss Requirements: None. Patterns changes? Yes. Objective: Interact Pokemon or items and get much points till time runs out. Required Score to first place: 201+ Boss Fight: Mini-Game Master Requirements: A Solid Boss Team. When Player finish first place in every Mini-game, is possible to fight against Mini-Game Master. Go inside Fiery dance Mini-game and follow the right path. Player must defeat 18 pokemons in a row without items! (There's no cool-down or money lose, if player get defeated). The next table, shows all 18 Pokemon by order: Once defeated, Officer Jenny will arrest Mini-game Master. Rewards Now, leave the Fiery Mini-game area. Outside an NPC will Reward with: Find the Wedding Ring! (Optional) Next to Vulcan Plazza Pokecenter nearby Entrance door, there's a Woman that will ask Player to find a Wedding Ring. Try to find it and bring it Back. Solution: Reward: PHASE 1 Complete! PHASE 2 Requirements Completed Phase 1 A solid Boss Team HP and PP Restore Items. Difficulty: Hard Length: Long Missing Pokémons! After completed the phase one, go inside Vulcan fair registration center and get close to the Queue Line at the reverse side where you registered, and interact with them. Now bring a Decent Boss team and go to Fiery dance Mini-game once more, follow the left path till you find a door. Hungry Tyranitar Now, you discover a Team Rocket hideout. To progress inside Team Rocket hideout player must feed a Tyranitar. Try to sneak all Rocket conversations next to every object. Eventually a chat will open and tells what the item to find to budge Tyranitar. The options are: Exotic Fruits Exotic Flowers Small Rocks Return to it and feed it! Tyranitar will leave! Enter Team Rocket Hideout. Team Rocket Hideout Similar to Team Rocket Hideout at Johto player must not be discovered! There not much to explain here, the main objective is pass-by every rocket member without getting notice and interact with the Computers to unlock doors. Warning: If player get discovered, returns to the last checkpoint and is needed to interact every computer, again! There are two floors to complete. Stolen Pokémons - ROCKET PHASE - BOSS Requirements: A solid Boss Team, HP and PP restores items. After by-pass all the floors, player will encounter Team Rocket Leader. To complete, player must avoid the traps, defeat all Grunts, break all lighting jails and defeat Rocket Leader Maverick 3 times. Each time player defeat in battle Rocket Leader Maverick a new area unlocks. Is called "Rocket Phase" in this walkthrough pokemon. Player can use items outside battle and inside grunt battles. Warnings player must know before start: Interacting with a electrode without be in a front of a cage, will hit the first party Pokémon. Getting hit by a Flame Tile removes a bit of HP from all Pokemon party also teleport you to the beginning of Rocket Phase without reset. Getting hit by a Grass Tile force player to walk some steps. Getting hit by a Lighting Bolt resets all progress of a Rocket phase. How to break Jails? Make your way to front of any Pokemon light jail and interact with electrode in that spot , this will cause an explosion and will not remove any hp from your Pokemon. Boss Fight Rocket Leader Maverick, will be available to fight in every Rocket Stage, to progress. The next table will show every pokémon it use in order: Rewards Finally. Officer Jenny once more will appear and try to arrest Rocket Leader Maverick. Interact with a Old NPC, next to you and go outside Vulcan fair registration center. Outside talk with Officer Jenny and go inside Registration center. Now the Queue Line disappeared and you will find out the old Guy that you rescued is actually the true Director! Talk with it. Rewards is: Credits: Images - JadeAsh Youtube Guide Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQCNHetPpNI&t=1696s Images - Tushar gaming PRO Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N-5uFAY050 Images - Unparadell Images - Voldis4 Images - Elyxia
  7. @arepaman ->@epithet awnser.
  8. ask someone to Battle you and get defeated is other solution. it will tp you out.
  9. Hello , Morning , 1-In advance check first if the version you download is 32 or 64 bits. To verify if your Windows is 64 or 32 Bits , go Computer (This PC) -> Properties -> at system type. 2- Download is currupted. Delete the last download folder from your "Downloads" Folder , and try to download again at this page: https://pokemonrevolution.net/download 3- Folder unzip; Don't manually unzip-it , just right click, and unzip the folder to where u want to unzip. 4- GPU/ CPU / Directx or Framework Verify if your GPU (graphic card) is update. Verify if your CPU can handle the game (normally only if is age of stone). Verify you have the recent direct x or framework installed - incase of WIN7-WIN8. 5- Antivirus; Can happen if Antivirus Software is blocking and deleting some file, if so disable it and do a exception to that file. I hope i could help.
  10. WELCOME TO VOLDISVASH SHOP! Silver Shop , online 7/24h - GTM+1 London / Lisbon. Payment Rules: Every Pokémon bellow will have a icon, of the option payment, differs from Pokémon in the list below. We don´t accept exchanges for others Pokémons. We ignore any beging players or getting advantage of any situation. Content: By Type List (Price FIX); By Rate List (Price FIX); Capable to Mega - EVO (Price Fix); Pseudo-Legendary List (Price FIX); Actions (Our Rules Bellow); About Us: We sell Pokémons from our OT players team, all legit and double check before, we update the sheet bellow. There's player at game every 7/24H, our delay at delivery is short, we can answer by pm in-game or at forum. Rate: Before selling any Pokémon we check the rate by the following table (Rate Based at 5/10);-(WIP) Calendar - payment & Trade: Before we accept the payment, one of us, will pm inside Game or PM at Forum to do a calendar. Usually after a trade from one day to the next, it doesn't take long (less then 3 hours). Selling: (WIP)
  11. Hello @Shinohara, First of all thanks have a nice year, for you and the other's staff. My Opinion: 1- Enjoyment : Has a 7/10 in general , i enjoyed the hide and seek and the Maze Forest and the height levers on the mountain , oh also i found a bug Alola Golem have the same height as the normal one <.<. I did not like the tax to enter at the event map, because a player like me needs every time to go out to do excavations and newspaper at Sinnoh , so paying 7500k each time is kinda huge price in a week, i suggest next year put free tax, till Xmas is over. Other aspect, that i believe could increase the enjoyment, please make secret stuff random form each player, secret areas, something to discover puzzles inside maps to access something. 2- Quest Difficulty: In fact the difficulty was ok, not to hard not to easy, every player can enjoy . Believe new players cannot do it... but i think is possible with python, define the difficulty with the badges that each player have and calculate the lvl, ofc the final reward will be reduced if so. But in general is a ok. 3- Story 1st time i like a story created by staff, was not forced and was actually cool, without boring parts exept the maze forest but the objective was to find , so, it was really nice. 4-Efford and Rewards. In fact i was waiting for more, is true that Kaldeo is a great pokémon in general, but i think could be like something more, for the time we waste on this event. I was waiting like a Nature or a Iv reroll , or a pack of net, fast, heavy etc etc Pokeballs and the legendary. I believe its all keep safe. Voldis4.
  12. +1 . price is expensive at least if this is update that will be ingame , just remove the fee at xmas and add later on. 7500 every day for me is to expensive, i need to go back to sinnoh every single day for the newspapper miniquest, and i just see my wallet just going down and down to return every day to the event map....
  13. Hello, I started again to playing Pokemon revolution after the xmas event, i need today and is a very good event in my opinion! good job. Now to the topic, So... i dont remember to release this Pokémon to start, i dont even sell it to. All i have is a Picture of it , when i send it to a friend and now i was looking for it and really strange i dont have it at all.... The pokémon is a ARON;id: on photo. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi , This is the region locked, megathread, ask here for support, if this asked question is not answered here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/129049-url have a nice day,
  15. Hi is there any move tutor Defog for Articuno? Thanks in advance,
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