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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <r><IMG src="https://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r570/Nyxcid/Pokemon%20Revolution%20Online/Screenshot%202016-07-12%2007.24.57_zps6uzy9xfv.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> 1: How many Hours have you played? 613<br/> 2:How many regions have you completed? 2<br/> 3:What is your personal goal ingame? Hunt Godly/Rare Pokemon<br/> 4: Why do you feel Team Cosmic is the right place for you? -<br/> 5: Are you willing to lend a helping hand? Yeah.</r>
  2. Mipha


  3. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Aw thank you CutieKitsy :Shy: Ofc you will! :Crazy: :y:
  4. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Heh thanks Phil! :Smile:
  5. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  6. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    ooo i never had that. It looks good. Oh you should try it! Its very delicious, especially adding with beansprouts.
  7. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  8. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Great! Thanks. Kilgara :Smile: Any news? :Crazy:
  9. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  10. Oh okay great! :Smile:
  11. Ah I see :Grin: And your welcome! That's great! Same goes for me too. Hopefully we'll play together soon :Smile: :Sing:
  12. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Ok, i will be awaiting haha. Thanks :Shy: Great! Thanks. Kilgara :Smile:
  13. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  14. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  15. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  16. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Beautiful banner! Also thanks for your input in suggestions. Nice to see another voice. :D
  17. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Thanks Domo :Shy: Trying my best, taking care myself. By the way, I'm done posting~comment that suggest forum. :y:
  18. DOne edit my grammar -~- gawd.
  19. :Smile:
  20. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Thanks Domo :Shy: Trying my best, taking care myself.
  21. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    [glow=crimson]Sorry if I haven't stay on Pro so long and short timing because I'm still taking care myself. I'm not feeling well as I thought I would be better. Few playing on ACNL, Pokemon Y/AS and League too. I been resting all day long; the horror! I'll get on Pro at Noon or 5pm at my time Eastern. Since I'm still babysitting my baby cousin 4am thru 5-6pm alone at home, kinda ruin my sleep pattern; oh well.[/glow] :Cry:
  22. Awesome! Added. :Grin: Nice fav champ Kat. To me she's hard when I play her.
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