❤NA League of Legends|3DS Pokemon❤
Let's play together!
League of Legends
Summoner: Mipha
Rank: Not yet
Level: 30
Server: NA
Curse or Skype: Both
Position: ADC/Support
Favorite Champ: Soraka
[color=#0080FF]Curse or Skype[/color]:
[color=#0080FF]Favorite Champ[/color]:
3DS Pokemon
*PRW = Pokemon Rumble World*
Name: Mipha
Friend Code: 3153 - 4688- 5917
PRW Rank: 12th
Pokemon X or Y: Y
Pokemon OR or AS: AS
[color=#0080FF]Friend Code[/color]:
[color=#0080FF]PRW Rank[/color]:
[color=#0080FF]Pokemon X or Y[/color]:
[color=#0080FF]Pokemon OR or AS[/color]:
Ah just notice your message. Sorry! :Shocked:
Lol.. yeah everyone call me cute all the time~
Aren't you the cute one too? Same goes for you too ^^-!
With the chibi avatar of yours drinking milk bottle and your pretty cute signature :Smile:
well violin/piano instrumental pretty much o-o
How about something like this then
oh nice o: that song remind me of this gamecube i play
You always post music, so I am gonna take a turn, not as upbeat though
Its so calm and weird too lol o.o^ thanks for sharing Grad
This is better,
Re: Memoire
<r><QUOTE author="Domonoco"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Heyy Domonoco c: Thanks for the compliment! Yeah we're friendly and I see you been watching us lol. I put your name on reserved list~ Thanks for being patient to wait. Can't wait to see you soon ^^-</r>