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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. Sending FR to you SCaydi :Smile: And wow you like Morgana :Shocked: I never try her yet so I see she's fun?
  2. Send you friend request :Smile: And wow nice your fav champ is Singed :Shocked:
  3. Check our guild banner in guild forum Valentina :Shy:
  4. Oh nice, send friend request on both!
  5. Wow! You play league for four years! That's nice you're S5! I'll start my pvp next season. I wonder how many champs you have them lv5 so far? Did you get Kindred? xD I liked and following your fb page. Nice support page. :Smile: You look cool Admin Nami~!
  6. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  7. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Meh I don't. Also thanks for the link Domo. I see and read that topic already. I'll comment later about it.
  8. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Its' cold outside for meh :Cry: not beautiful. Anyway give me your suggestion link :Grin: Sorry late reply~ checked post late. :Angel:
  9. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  10. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    TatsumiChan joined. Anieru change his mind. GreenArrowGr joined. Daenerys left. *Save last spot for my close friend* [glow=red]Guild Full[/glow]
  11. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Oh yeah you're from UK> 7 hrs away from me o-o)) hope we meet each other online to add 'o')_ well right now server is full :Cry: Trying to log in;; i'll get on that time you post next time^ i'll be back on as soon as the servers let me in :P oh okay-yep same :Shy:
  12. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Ah, I'm getting on to add you now. Tea and crumpet~ yum! :Smile: Oh yeah you're from UK> 7 hrs away from me o-o)) hope we meet each other online to add 'o')_ well right now server is full :Cry: Trying to log in;; i'll get on that time you post next time^
  13. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Ah, I'm getting on to add you now. Tea and crumpet~ yum! :Smile:
  14. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Let me know you get on. I'll invite you to our guild/ Thanks for letting us know about you Tatsumi c: Sure let me know when you get on i'll invite you too~! well let me know tomorrow x.x im gonna go rest-asleep :Sleeping: its 5:10pm here<i'm from eastern timezone-ik too early to sleep/but tired DX
  15. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

  16. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Let me know you get on. I'll invite you to our guild/ Thanks for letting us know about you Tatsumi c: Sure let me know when you get on i'll invite you too~!
  17. How do I look? HEY O~! I don't look like 20 at all lol :devil: It's so great to be young~ I'm so attractive OuO You guys will take care of me 4everr ow< :Heart: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  18. puhlease lol
  19. Lol hey! *Erase big quotes* We'll meet them soon' Gosh really you quote my topic :u *Scribble you Lol my bad :v lol x'D
  20. Lol hey! *Erase big quotes* We'll meet them soon' Gosh really you quote my topic :u *Scribble you
  21. Aw well Yixars from EUW ovo hope you guys play together~ :Smile:
  22. Cool c: Let me know x'D Mehh I fall asleep after watching 3rd match of FW vs Origen League of Legends Quarterfinals from Twitch. Just woke up an hr ago :confused: Sorry late reply.
  23. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    well violin/piano instrumental pretty much o-o If you like nightcore stuff, you should definitley listen Vocaloids songs. Especially the ones from Cillia THIS, is probably the best one :Shy: PS ( Kyaami = Cillia on youtube ) wow that's a good song :Grin: thx 4 sharing ^^
  24. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I believe that's a Vodka Bottle. Looks like Smirnoff. Nooooo, it's just a bottle of Orange sparkling water x: Ah lol :Smile:
  25. SCaydi!! Still play with me on League we can practice bots together :Shy: and okay cool :D I'm on league rn
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