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Posts posted by Mipha

  1. ❤NA League of Legends|3DS Pokemon❤


    Let's play together!


    League of Legends

    Summoner: Mipha

    Rank: Not yet

    Level: 30

    Server: NA

    Curse or Skype: Both

    Position: ADC/Support

    Favorite Champ: Soraka

    [color=#0080FF]Curse or Skype[/color]:
    [color=#0080FF]Favorite Champ[/color]:


    3DS Pokemon

    *PRW = Pokemon Rumble World*

    Name: Mipha

    Friend Code: 3153 - 4688- 5917

    PRW Rank: 12th

    Pokemon X or Y: Y

    Pokemon OR or AS: AS

    [color=#0080FF]Friend Code[/color]:
    [color=#0080FF]PRW Rank[/color]: 
    [color=#0080FF]Pokemon X or Y[/color]: 
    [color=#0080FF]Pokemon OR or AS[/color]:

  2. 43988 you guys seem cute, just wanted to say. ~

    Ah just notice your message. Sorry! :Shocked:

    Lol.. yeah everyone call me cute all the time~

    Aren't you the cute one too? Same goes for you too ^^-!

    With the chibi avatar of yours drinking milk bottle and your pretty cute signature :Smile:

  3. 43590


    You really need to expand beyond Nightcore lol. What else do you listen to.

    well violin/piano instrumental pretty much o-o


    How about something like this then




    oh nice o: that song remind me of this gamecube i play


  4. 43551
    43356 Why don't you be the artist and make me out of clay~ :Sing:


    You always post music, so I am gonna take a turn, not as upbeat though




    Its so calm and weird too lol o.o^ thanks for sharing Grad

    This is better,


  5. 43541 I like this guild and it's ambience.


    I'd love to be on the reserve list if that's OK. If you'd like to know more about me I don't mind filling out an application or something.

    Oh okay Anieru c: I'll put your name on reserve list ^^ you don't have to fill out an application.

  6. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="Chau"><s>

    </s><POST content="40223"><s></s>40223<e></e></POST> Hi Mipha! Can i join your guild? It sounds fun! I'm really looking to join whenever there are more spots! thankyou<e>

    hello chau c: sure when our guild slots open/ i'll let you know and yw</r>

  7. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="Domonoco"><s>

    </s><POST content="38838"><s></s>38838<e></e></POST> Hey Mipha, I really like your friendly guild and have been eyeing it for quite some time now. I would really love to join and do not mind being on the reserve list for however long (i can wait). I sure hope i can join whenever there are more spots. Thank you! <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Smile:</E><e>

    Heyy Domonoco c: Thanks for the compliment! Yeah we're friendly and I see you been watching us lol. I put your name on reserved list~ Thanks for being patient to wait. Can't wait to see you soon ^^-</r>

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