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Posts posted by Mipha

  1. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s>

    </s><POST content="36274"><s></s>36274<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s><POST content="36261"><s></s>36261<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s>
    </s><POST content="36259"><s></s>36259<e></e></POST> Happy lil sis <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>





    oh nice :o put it on your signature/<e>



    Bump <E>:kiss:</E><e>



  2. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="laishiou"><s>

    </s><POST content="36069"><s></s>36069<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s><POST content="36068"><s></s>36068<e></e></POST> I'm going to sleep! Its 3am now; good night Scarlettrose and other guys~! <E>:confused:</E> <br/>

    Regret playing League at late night;; <E>:Cry:</E><e>


    gdnite ^^<e>


    thx c:</r>

  3. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s>

    </s><POST content="36039"><s></s>36039<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s><POST content="35733"><s></s>35733<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s>
    </s><POST content="35649"><s></s>35649<e></e></POST> Just another random music link~ <E>:kiss:</E> <br/>


    <URL url="

    text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0CfCdQ ... dQ2zPU#t=0">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0CfCdQ2zPU&list=RDM0CfCdQ2zPU#t=0</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/>





    I like this one, <URL url="

    text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMyjVVE ... 2387595647">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMyjVVE8KYE&feature=iv&src_vid=M0CfCdQ2zPU&annotation_id=annotation_2387595647</LINK_TEXT><e></e></URL><e>



    <E>:Crazy:</E> ! amazing~!<e>


    yep an hr long music lol</r>

  4. 35898 okay mipha lets see.. mmm tiny mushroom 1800 big mushroom 6800 nugget 15k stardust 3k and starpiece 9k... or 9 and 3 xd pearl 3k and big pearl 12k and yes..ive given all the items to the item maniac.}




    lolz noob at the forum xD forgot to edit gg

    lol thanks >>)... see the pencil icon at your 1st post thingy 'o') click that~! btw sorry late reply =`=<

  5. 35897 Hi, I am new. Haven't played yet (account problems) so these are just a few questions I have before I begin my journey.


    1. Is there an item to reduce/reset a pokemon's EV?

    2. Is the story the same as it is in the games?

    3. What generation pokemon are available to catch? (Tried looking for a list but could not find one.)

    4. How does trading work in this game?


    Thank you for answering my questions, and I hope to see you all ingame someday soon. :Heart:


    Welcome to PRO :o well use this site https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ to let you know server online/offline. Bookmark it.

    1. Yes there is, here's the game guide shows ev berries/item location https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3431

    2. Nope, different story so its fun~ better than repeating the same story-over and over.

    3. 6th generation-we can get megastones starter after Kanto e4 elite defeat and have 50 hrs-talk with pro.oak assistant at lab/find megastones' Its' not implemented yet for mega-evolution-battles.

    4. Trading, have to get 4th badges in order to trade- we sell pokemon/buy pokemon-set money in trade chat. Selling held item; you have to drag it from the bag to pokemon party *though have to be bad pokemon' so players won't steal your good pokemon o.-

    Yw~! Good luck and have fun~

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