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Posts posted by Mipha

  1. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="thomlin96"><s>

    </s><POST content="38540"><s></s>38540<e></e></POST> Can i join your guild it look fun :D<e>

    Oh hey, sure if you don't mind to wait and be in reserve list? Our guild is full atm, we're still waiting for guild slots increased when server improved. <E>:Shy:</E></r>

  2. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="rharha"><s>

    </s><POST content="38247"><s></s>38247<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s><POST content="38241"><s></s>38241<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="rharha"><s>
    </s><POST content="38233"><s></s>38233<e></e></POST> <SIZE size="85"><s></s>Holla Holla~ Im here <E>:Smile:</E> <br/>

    sowry for being silent reader <E>:confused:</E> <br/>

    thank for your hard work mipha <E>:Crazy:</E><e></e></SIZE><e>


    Oh hey Rharha, lol no need to sorry at all and your welcome.<e>


    <SIZE size="85"><s></s>hoops~ i think your going to bed xD<br/>

    dont push yourself miph~ you can sleep as well :3<br/>

    btw where you get 217 post?<e></e></SIZE><e>


    Thanks Rharha c: I'm going to sleep later. Right now, I'm with Grad and Xeno on drawing game. You just post forum pretty much to get.</r>

  3. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="rharha"><s>

    </s><POST content="38233"><s></s>38233<e></e></POST> <SIZE size="85"><s></s>Holla Holla~ Im here <E>:Smile:</E> <br/>

    sowry for being silent reader <E>:confused:</E> <br/>

    thank for your hard work mipha <E>:Crazy:</E><e></e></SIZE><e>


    Oh hey Rharha, lol no need to sorry at all and your welcome.</r>

  4. 37300 He, I would like to join your guild


    IGN: Tycoone619

    Age: 24

    Fav Poke : Blastiose/Mega Blastiose & Dragonite. I don't know why I love Blastiose but it's always my favorite since pokemon first came out and for Dragonite I love its derpy look, fighting a Dragonite is like fighting a baby in Iron Man suit. My aim is to build the strongest team revolve around these two pokemons.

    37318 Hello! I would like to join your guild :)

    Age: 18

    IGN: zig0143

    Favorite Pokemon: "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" -Mewtwo


    Sorry guys you have to find other guild to join. Scaydi disband the guild few weeks ago. She's in our guild. Good luck.

  5. 1. There's no benefit for being in the guild, just hang out with guildmates-socialize. If you're expecting to join for boost exp/membership<No benefit.

    2. No. Your Kanto pokemon will be lock in PC storage til you have all 16th badges to unlock. Your money, held items, HM, -bag still be with you.

  6. 36450 Moon Mt. BASEMENT FLOOR 2

    Chingling - Land - Night

    Clefairy - Land - Morning / Day

    Geodude - Land - Morning / Day / Night

    Onix - Land - Morning / Day / Night

    Paras - Land - Morning / Day / Night

    Sandshrew - Land - Morning / Day / Night

    Sandslash - Land - Morning / Day / Night

    Zubat - Land - Morning / Day / Night


    Source from: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=4286&p=30441&hilit=snorunt#p30441

    Oh my gosh! Need to catch myself a chingling :Smile: thanks for info *read your guys post' Nice bringing out the post~owner thread!

  7. 36871
    36865 no, i leveling my piplup and i forgot evolve him to prinplup. now my piplup is level 99. if i evolve to prinplup at level 100, i can not evolve to empoleon. can you help me in this case?

    Ah.. :Shocked: Sorry.

    :'( :Frown:

    Lol;; *pat your shoulder* I have a low piplup, you can have for free? To cheer you up buddy.

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