Welcome to PRO :o well use this site https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ to let you know server online/offline. Bookmark it.
1. Yes there is, here's the game guide shows ev berries/item location https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3431
2. Nope, different story so its fun~ better than repeating the same story-over and over.
3. 6th generation-we can get megastones starter after Kanto e4 elite defeat and have 50 hrs-talk with pro.oak assistant at lab/find megastones' Its' not implemented yet for mega-evolution-battles.
4. Trading, have to get 4th badges in order to trade- we sell pokemon/buy pokemon-set money in trade chat. Selling held item; you have to drag it from the bag to pokemon party *though have to be bad pokemon' so players won't steal your good pokemon o.-
Yw~! Good luck and have fun~