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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. I don't like that player, Iny4facelol- He ask me how much the marill when i try to giveaway all my marills in trade chat-he left pm quick before i told him its' free. Twice he left the pm rudely, disrespect. That sure~ fit his name "In-y-4-face-lol"
  2. Re: ≻Equilbrium≺ - "Coming Soon" <r>Nice guild name, Ethaliwyr. I hope you'll get more members to join. Good luck leading <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  3. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r>Added Beast53 & Kyaasenpai in Reserved list <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  4. Great! :Smile:
  5. Aw you made my art as a banner, that's awesome :Smile:
  6. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s> </e></QUOTE> oh nice :o put it on your signature/<e> </e></QUOTE> Bump <E>:kiss:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> <E>:Shocked:</E></r>
  7. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s> </e></QUOTE> oh nice :o put it on your signature/</r>
  8. Hey Carlos, yw :3 and great! :Smile:
  9. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="laishiou"><s> </e></QUOTE> gdnite ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> thx c:</r>
  10. Lol I see Kombo :o Wut, where is this Kombo oh yeah you're kombo o-o). then kennyiam is kennyiam :confused: haha; my mistake :Crazy: sorry guys
  11. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r>I'm going to sleep! Its 3am now; good night Scarlettrose and other guys~! <E>:confused:</E> <br/> Regret playing League at late night;; <E>:Cry:</E></r>
  12. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="ScarlettRose"><s> </e></QUOTE> I like this one, <URL url=" text="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMyjVVE ... 2387595647">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMyjVVE8KYE&feature=iv&src_vid=M0CfCdQ2zPU&annotation_id=annotation_2387595647</LINK_TEXT><e></e></URL><e></e></QUOTE> <br/> <E>:Crazy:</E> ! amazing~!<e> </e></QUOTE> yep an hr long music lol</r>
  13. Mm yw Laishiou o:
  14. Nice guide O.O what a long guide! Lol :Smile:
  15. Welcome to PRO Chifond. :Shy:
  16. yeah they did. LOL, I havent been there for ages as I never have those items which the guy wants. :Proud: Lol I see Kombo :o
  17. yeah they did.
  18. lol thanks >>)... see the pencil icon at your 1st post thingy 'o') click that~! btw sorry late reply =`=<
  19. Welcome to PRO! :o
  20. Welcome to PRO :o well use this site https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ to let you know server online/offline. Bookmark it. 1. Yes there is, here's the game guide shows ev berries/item location https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3431 2. Nope, different story so its fun~ better than repeating the same story-over and over. 3. 6th generation-we can get megastones starter after Kanto e4 elite defeat and have 50 hrs-talk with pro.oak assistant at lab/find megastones' Its' not implemented yet for mega-evolution-battles. 4. Trading, have to get 4th badges in order to trade- we sell pokemon/buy pokemon-set money in trade chat. Selling held item; you have to drag it from the bag to pokemon party *though have to be bad pokemon' so players won't steal your good pokemon o.- Yw~! Good luck and have fun~
  21. https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/ Server offline.
  22. The server is down atm. When the server is up~load your client and log in, so you won't get a problem.
  23. Mipha


    Nice guild name :Grin: Good luck Guys~!
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