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Posts posted by Mipha

  1. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="kenny1am"><s>

    </s><POST content="32185"><s></s>32185<e></e></POST> How can I join? <br/>


    It seems full at the moment which it is sad. <E>:Cry:</E><e>


    <QUOTE author="kenny1am"><s>

    </s><POST content="32185"><s></s>32185<e></e></POST> How can I join? <br/>


    It seems full at the moment which it is sad. <E>:Cry:</E><e>


    Aww! Hopefully they'll max guild slots/open more members to join, Kenny. We have 7 players eager wanting to join our guild;</r>

  2. We should max more guild slots than just limit to 40. Like 100/100 <sure why not.

    Being a guild leader, I don't mind paying slots to open for more members to join.


    Everyone's Ideas

    My idea:50k for 5 slots open ~100k for 10 slots open 8)


    Mile's idea: If more slots are added, I'd rather slots be earned through something fun. Battle Tower, a mini-game, anything.


    Synapse's idea:Maybe add Guild levels and every x levels you get slot expansions.Regarding guild levels. A small portion of battle exp every member gets could go towards the exp bar of a guild. Talking about maybe 1% of the exp you get after defeating a poke.


    The first levels would be moderately easy to achieve, but later on as more expansion slots are unlocked, the levels get harder and harder and could take weeks/months if you don't have enough guild exp income.

  3. Re: Memoire *Full :x Sorry! No more recruiting]*


    <r><QUOTE author="goththewolf"><s>

    </s>aw mipha... damn it.. are u in this guild? im too late to apply aint i? :(<e>

    yeah sorry buddy, i'll let you know when it's not full/ im leading the guild ^^;</r>

  4. Re: Memoire *Full :x Sorry! No more recruiting]*


    <r><QUOTE author="Spaintakula"><s>

    </s><QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s>ah >o>. I see sure it is symbolic i guess o uo. Btw saving one spot for your gf chae.<e>

    Oh, thanks, that's really amazing of you, glad that you had that in mind ^^<e>


    mm yw :o</r>

  5. Re: Memoire *Full :x Sorry! No more recruiting]*


    <r><QUOTE author="Spaintakula"><s>

    </s><QUOTE author="Mipha"><s>
    </s><QUOTE author="Spaintakula"><s>
    </s>Hai :]<e>

    Hey Spain~! whats that forum pic profile, looks scary- two arms spreading out but the color paints nice lol<e>


    Hahah, it's basically album artwork, quite the symbolic meaning I suppose. ;)<e>


    ah >o>. I see sure it is symbolic i guess o uo. Btw saving one spot for your gf chae.</r>

  6. Re: Memoire *Full :x Sorry! No more recruiting]*


    <r><QUOTE author="Shiroyasha"><s>

    </s>Hello, I'm a new player to PRO and would be interested in joining your Guild :) my IGN is Shiroyasha.<e>

    Oh welcome to pro! Sure I'll invite you in! Shiroyasha</r>

  7. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="Slime55"><s>

    </s>Hey ! I would also like to join this guild if you don't mind :D<br/>


    I wasn't intented to join one a few days ago but yours catched my eyes ( especially with the link on Motivational Music given by Scarlett Rose, i like that kind of music ! )<e>


    Hey and okay :) we would glad to invite you in! Thanks x'D can't wait to let my sister rose know!</r>

  8. Re: Memoire


    <r><QUOTE author="Blackshade"><s>

    </s>Hi i was wondering if i can join? I'd like some people to talk to and this Guild seems perfect for that.<e>

    Oh hello! Sure you can join us! ^^ Yeah we mostly chat in-game guild chat. I'll invite you when server is back on :o</r>

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