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Everything posted by Jimakr

  1. so the end would have been 2.25 pm based in the times u see in your timezone, making my offer at 2.20 pm extending the auction until 2.35 pm and the next offer being made at 2.37 pm so it is still the same thing
  2. i am pretty sure every offer after mine is invalid since original end time was 4:22 pm (my timezone times as shown in forum) My bid post is on 4:20 pm extending the auction to 4:35 since it's in the last 15 mins next bid post is done on 4:37 pm but my offer lasted for 17 mins so auction ended there. any trade mod can confirm the timings?
  3. i will add my old solo team into the mix for the forlorn dungeon, with this team i can do 4 gates without need for cursed fountain or ethers (although for 4 gates u need fountain healing for 2-3 revives). 3 gates is the sweetspot with this team if u don't get unlucky crits or encounter skippable enemies u need at most 2-3 healings from fountain. Just to clarify this is for normal mode not heroic. Mimikyu Volcarona Blaziken Weavile Chansey
  4. 2.55m aron, 300k buneary, 900k hawlucha
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