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About Loupi

  • Birthday 11/13/1992

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  1. Still nothing? Wow
  2. STILL nothing? Wow....
  3. Still nothing boo
  4. Still nothing huh? Sad.
  5. IGN: Loupi Discord Tag: Loupi#2919 Server: Gold (Click for bigger size) Cool: Funny: Ugly:
  6. In-game name: Loupi Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: Delevel pretty please
  7. Loupi

    PC BOX

    I asked a cc/mod on help chat a few days ago they said any pc box updates will take a while.
  8. Username: Loupi Server: Gold
  9. If we got one of them right would you tell us or do we have to get both right?
  10. Pokemon: Lapras Place: https://prowiki.info/images/6/6b/Pallet_Town.png ^including Lapras to the south sorry not my image :P
  11. Loupi

    PC BOX

    Check this thread out. :)
  12. I agree about the UI. The chat obscurs some of the shortcut buttons in my phone even if toggled-down.
  13. I do. I'm Loupi #2919 on Discord.
  14. Can we gather all suggestions of PC improvements in one post? Make the search work like the Pokedex so that we don't have to write the entire name of the Pokemon. This will allow us to search for Nidoran M/F, Farfetch'd and other pokes that include spaces or symbols in their names. Make an option to apply the sort to either the box or the entire pc. Allow us to custom sort/organize Pokemon and put them in other boxes not just the first available one. Maybe allow box rename? Not 100% needed but could be useful. Like Strategist suggested in op let us know when we've typed the poke's name wrong or when we don't own the pokemon. More space is definitely needed cause as Starlight said many users have more than one copy of a Pokemon (shinies, other forms, syncs, falseswipers/hm slaves etc etc) Mark/select multiple pokemon to easily release. Brutalace suggested this in another thread and it might or might not be needed if we get all the other features but let us add symbols/icons on Pokemons to categorize them. This could be maximize organizing i guess. If there's any other let me know i'll add them to the list and Strategist you can copy/paste this in the op if you'd like. :)
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