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About Drakecp9

  • Birthday 02/22/2000

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Damn, I'm late
  2. I had the same problem when watching them on my phone. but when i watch them on pc everything is normal
  3. I need: Shuckle impish or relax, abi sturdy Golduck timid Pangoro adam, abi mold breaker Gorebyss bold
  4. I need: Shuckle impish or relax, abi sturdy Golduck timid Pangoro adam, abi mold breaker Gorebyss bold
  5. Can anyone trade rn?
  6. There really was a mistake here, haha. And my shop is still in the development stage so it hasn't come into operation yet, I'm really sorry everyone.
  7. closed
  8. Impish lar 310k
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