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Everything posted by Miaofen

  1. Re: WTS max speed Mienfoo regenerator <t>Auction has ended . Thank you all =)</t>
  2. insta 1m by Ujangkece18 The auction has ended o.O :Shy: :thanks:
  3. I got it back after defeating lvl 99 thanks
  4. I lost against npc my rc and masterball gone. Can I retrieve back?
  5. IGN : miaofen Answer 1 : Uxie Answer 2 :They hatched from an egg that was created by Arceus
  6. awesome idea! This definitely gives a reason to PVP!
  7. okay i tried deleting the past clients in trash bin.. hopefully this works. thank you! if anything i will let ya know ..
  8. Hi! I dont know if I am in the right place to lodge report .. But I had been facing this disconnect issues from game since two weeks ago and my internet connection is alright. I tried updating my graphic cards and all. but i still cant find solution to it. I keep getting dc. I even went thru shane's guide to Windows 10 crashes in PRO but i seem to get error when i apply the setting. Here's the ss of changes i made but there was an error to that. Hope someone can rectify the problem here . Thank you!
  9. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>miaofen from yellow server.. Just to try my luck~~ Thanks!</t>
  10. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Awesome bro. I'm miaofen from yellow server</t>
  11. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <t>Okay thanks cool. Thanks prehax!</t>
  12. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <t>ohh thank you so much for the clarification =)</t>
  13. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <t>how about trick to bypass sync pokemon requirement?</t>
  14. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <r><QUOTE author="Somes" post_id="390680" time="1495943451" user_id="633"><s> </e></QUOTE> 1. Lead the party with a sync pokemon <br/> Example: like a lvl25 natu for Eevee and Tauros in kanto safari.<br/> <br/> 2. Once you reach the hunting spot use REPEL, after using repel you will be only encountering wild pokemons with same level as Natu (25) or more. But you won't be encountering any pokemon below level 25 (24,23... etc)<br/> <br/> So keep in mind to use the sync pokemon at lead. <e> </e></QUOTE> Thanks bro ! now i got it =)</r>
  15. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017] <t>Hi ! Thank you for the good guide.. <br/> I have a qs on how the spawn repel trick work. I need to put any low level pokemon in the front. then let it dies. The second poke in the party is my sync based on the level u stated.? is that it? sorry i was a little confused on how it works</t>
  16. Re: Re: YouTube giveaway 100's of cash prizes(Only for a week) yellow <r>Here's the screenshot =)<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Ib4sKST.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/2vPKdkE.png"><s></e></IMG> <E>:Grin:</E><br/> <br/> thank you!</r>
  17. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price to 500k <t>Auction has ended. RickT17 has won the auction. Pls reply my pm bro ty</t>
  18. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>1 more hour auction to go! Insta is now 500k!</t>
  19. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>Auction time reduced to 6 hours</t>
  20. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>22 hrs to go ~~</t>
  21. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>C.o by RickT17 410k<br/> Another 41 hours more to go for this auction !</t>
  22. Re: WTS Cofagrigus- reduced insta price <t>Bumpssss...</t>
  23. Re: WTS Azumarill and Cofagrigus <r>Azumarill insta by prehax<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yVwjqSq.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  24. C.o by RickT17 for 410k Insta: 500k I will start the auction if someone starts the offer. The auction will end within 48 hours. :thanks: :Angel:
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