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Posts posted by Hideliet

  1. 280313 - I want to sell some thing just check it TY

    - Cmt with your price ty <3


    https://prntscr.com/cokwbs start bid 50k ( Marill 1 Hoen )

    https://prntscr.com/cokwss start bid 50k ( Marill 2 Hoen )

    https://prntscr.com/cokx7f start bid 50k ( Marill 3 Hoen )

    https://prntscr.com/col34l start bid 700k ( Bisharp hoen )

    https://prntscr.com/col6c0 start bid 2m ( Tallon h.a kanto )


    https://prntscr.com/col6vd startbid 200k insta 350k

    https://prntscr.com/col7a0 starbid 150k insta 300k

    - Moved to proper section, Personal Shops -

  2. 280868 45 years later ^


    srsly tho there's been so much controversy...like, some say that there will be rewards for all pvp players, some say it wont...ehh


    also, why not just make an automated system with 1 month per season...or even 2, idk how much u want it to be idc tbh lmao...

    The rewards for all PvP players are already here, PvP Coins. Regarding the automated system, at the moment Shane has other priorities, but will be informed about the general discontent about PvP seasons ending randomly and without sufficient communication.


    - Locked as suggestion has been passed up -

  3. 280954 Video evidence is almost impossible to achieve or would take huge amounts of temptatives in-game so i don't see you getting that, but let's see

    I have a screenshot of a frozen game if might be of any help


    Both pokèmon died due to Stealth Rock (on the other side) + Sandstorm (Starmie) in the same turn. Game frozen.

    Thanks, scenarios like this one are actually very helpful when we try to reproduce the bugs in order to find the source of the bug and where a fix is needed.

  4. 278384 I've noticed that if a pokemon comes in and die from stealth rock and spikes I see him die again then the opponent team is bugged, I cant see how many pokes he has left (cause I see them all dead).

    We're aware of this bug, however it's only visual. Will be fixed eventually when Shane will look into it.


    Locking this, as hazard bugs are being discussed already in this thread.

  5. 279156 uhmm.. hi guys. I just want to ask if someone else here experienced being dced while doing pvp which is disconnected suspiciously???


    Yes, suspicious disconnection during pvp. I have this experience twice. I'm in dual client. one is selling pokes. and one is in pvp ladder.

    My account doing pvp always got disconnected while the other one is sill online. I just wonder if that is a problem in my connection 2 accounts should be disconnected.

    I don't know. It's just weird to me. I can't understand why it is happening in my account in pvp. :confused:

    - Moved to proper section -

  6. 280174 Morning,


    So my blissey faced talon he did brave bird, and I clicked on softboiled. Talon got recoil and died, my blissey left alive and didnt do the move i chose (softboiled) and the fight kept on going. My question is this: why blissey didnt do the move I chose before next poke arrived? or even after? it just skipped my turn.

    Thank you for reporting this bug, will be tested properly. Next time report this in the proper thread, here: click.

  7. 279441 The current problems with Hazards that I know are:

    -Double death of pokemon when killed by them

    -Messes up pokeball display

    -Steals turns (Imagine Belly drumming on Azumarill, Opponent sacrifice one of his Pokemon to hazards and Belly Drum doesn't go through. This doesn't happen with other sacifice moves).

    -Can make turns never end.

    The first 2 listed here are just visual bugs, close to irrelevant.


    Could you provide video evidence of the last 2 bugs happening? Or process for reproducing them. Also if someone else is aware of some other bugs other than the ones listed here, please say so, this will be looked into.

  8. 279437 There are so many things that need a fix that i could make a list long 2 pages.

    Would be actually useful, if you notice something that isn't in the bug list already, that list can be presented to Shane when he has the time to fix :)


    Also, seems pretty obvious, Hazards won't be banned ever :)

  9. 276093 Both DC penalty and pvp coin gain for DC has been fixed in the same patch. I think either or of the two would have been suffucient. I understand the penalty was partially added so somone couldnt just farm points from someone else by him disconnecting immediately, however its not that hard to sacrifice 6 pokemon if you really wanna win trade. Since there is no resign button DC is the only usable option. Thoughts?

    Moved to Suggestions

  10. 278075 i got number 2 in blue server, i just hope they will reward top 3-5-10 better then top 25 since i think is really much harder from top 10 then 25.

    Currently the only differentiation done is top 25 / rest of the ladder, the introduction of PvP coins helped with the differentiation of PvP players from non-PvP players.

    Also I agree that the season ending should be announced in a somewhat more effective way as of now, maybe not giving an exact date but a small announcement like "PvP season is ending soon" I feel like would be highly appreciated by the community.

  11. 275924
    275807 I don't think anything will be banned from PvP unless it's bugged my friend. :(


    Now that you're saying it...ehh ://

    Curse won't be banned 100%.

    About anything that isn't bugged I wouldn't be so sure, we will take a close look at the PvP metagame once more offensive items will be implemented.


    - Locked as solved -

  12. 277124 Hi everyone,

    I just have an issue, I beat both boss in Vulcan island, and when I done (win 2nd boss), at the moment last conversation to get reward, server frezze and I disconnect. I re-connect and boss disappear and dont get anything :Nervous:

    I know, win can't re-match again, but wailmer can't tradeable,I very want have a wailmer mount

    any staff can help me this issue? :Frown:


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread here. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.

    As said in this thread concerning general issues with answers.


    Unluckily nothing can be done, as the data saved were lost and we can't do anything about those when the server crashes :(

    The stability of the servers improved greatly overall, but some cases like this can still happen unfortunately, apologies for the inconvenience.

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