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Posts posted by Hideliet

  1. 275740 Hello o don´t know if this belong to this or no, but i have problems when i play on my 64bit operating system Win7 from the begin the problem exist.. when i playing the game my PC often freezes and i have to turn him off and again on. This problem i don´t have on my 32bit PC XP operating system.


    On the 64bit is the same if i use 32bit downloaded game or 64bit downloaded game it freezes always not time relevant sometimes i can play it for 4h nothing and sometimes i play just 15min and it freezes what can it be ?



    Moved to proper place.

  2. 275422 Why the game is so laggy on the Blue server ?

    Plz make something, we are only 700 and its like we are 1800.......

    Most of the time server capacity usage isn't related to lag issues. We have daily scheduled reboots, after that everything should be back to normal.

  3. 275494 login problem... :Ambivalent:

    i hope there will be another reboot :Grin: thanks :Heart:

    There are daily reboots, unluckily only solution in those cases is waiting :(

    Also please read this thread before opening a thread, as many solutions for the most common problems are already there, in this case

    Unfortunately, this is a server-side glitch that can happen from time to time. Whenever this occurs, you have to wait until the next server reboot to play again.We have daily reboot also. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    In the rare case, this issues cause by your low connection when you play game and got disconnect, and can potential solved by close completely client and open again. If not solved, you will need wait to reboot.

  4. 274789 I have spent 1 weeks in diamond domain and 2 days in sky pillar to hunt prankster sableye. From that hunt i already have around 20 sableye but none of them are prankster. I know that sableye is very rare but ironically, my friend only need 3 days to find that prankster sableye, the other one even can catch 2 prankster sableye.


    is it a bug for my account? or am i really that ultra poor extremely unlucky? :Smile: :Ambivalent: :Cry:


    this is my biggest achievement so far, the most godly fail of the year



    Hidden ability has a 5% chance in every spawn, so on average you should get 1 h.a. sableye every 20 you find, but that doesn't mean you're unlucky if you didn't find one with 20 caught. You would be unlucky if you didn't find one in over 40 or 60 even (which is still possible).

    Your friend got really lucky on the other hand :)


    Moved to proper place

  5. 274016 Hi,

    I'm fairly new in this community, so I don't know anybody, but I need someone trusted to help me evolve Haunter, Scyther and Kadabra. I would appreciate any help ;)



    Done. I would delete the topic if I could.

    Alright, for the future if you need help with a trade evolution and you see a Trade Moderator online feel free to PM or to ask for help in trade chat :)

    Also to prevent inconveniences, remember to screenshot every trade / trade-related conversation, if something unpleasant happens, check out this guide on How to report effectively.


    - Locked -

  6. 274118 Guys, if you bot accept it. Whats the point about complaining ?

    You all knew the risk, dont try to use "i got stuck" or "i didnt bot".


    Shane got a way to detect it... why are you all acting like "i know about nothing.."

    Hi Migno, glad to see you understand that there is no point in complaining, looking forward to see your appeal when the time comes :)

    Also, locking this thread, appeal in the proper section, Discipline Appeals.

  7. 272583
    272581 You have to find secret switch


    that would probably be easier.. if I could walk around.

    There is no secret switch, the only thing you have to do when teleported in the room is talking to the NPC that is there and answer those questions (answers are in the room, as said by the NPC). I'll log in to see if you're actually stuck.

  8. 272530 It said my pro version was out of date but no matter what I do it won't let me download the latest client and it wont let me play pro until i get the newest version I use the 64 windows I click on the link but then a page comes up that says it has been used to often or something?

    Moved to proper place

  9. 270972 Hi, this is Joachin AKA Radium93 writing to say hallo.


    Been playing this game for some days now and it so much fun and brings back a lot of memories from my childhood playing this on gameboy color and gameboy advance SP


    Hope to see some of you ingame and chat

    Welcome to the community Joachin :) feel free to give a look around in our forums, you can find some useful guides and much more :)

  10. Try to battle a wild pokemon, chansey will evolve even without levelling up, just max happiness.

    Also for the future, try to fully evolve your pokemon at level 97/98 to avoid unpleasant situations of an eventual missclick :)

  11. 269516 Gotta say goodbye to all of the player and staff now. FYI, i'm a small player in blue server and due to some economic problem, i cant donate to this game and i bought ms from the player who can afford to donate from range of 300k to 400k. I grind a lot so that i can buy those and i like this way of playing as this is MMO. But the inflation in blue today is totally mad and i seriously cant withstand it already and come to a decision to quit PRO today. I had spent more than 700 hours in this game and i seriously love this game but as the inflation is overwhelming and the issues now is only blue had this issues.... :Frown: Anyway, i would like to say thank you to all the staff for coming out a fantastic game for me to play. Thank YOU :thanks: :thanks: Bye everyone.

    Hello Flan25, I don't think we're seen each other around before. However I'm sad to see a player with so many hours of gameplay leaving the game because of the in-game economy inflation.

    Staff members don't have a say in pricing matters, but I can try to explain why it's normal for the MS price to grow over time: the longer a server goes on, the more poke$ are generated by farming / completing the game story, the less value a single poke$ has over time. Membership can be bought for a fixed price of 5$, however players can choose to buy it with a donation of 5$ and sell that for poke$ afterwards. The amount of poke$ required for a MS is growing over time due to the loss of value of a single poke$ given the less scarcity of poke$ in the whole server. This is a normal phenomenon in every economy, including the in-game PRO economy.


    Also you can still play without a Membership, the advantages granted by being a member aren't making the game Pay2Win at all, for example, if you find a shiny or a really good pokemon, you can sell that for a lot of money. The price of good pokemon is following the same pattern of the Membership, balancing things out.


    Hopefully you'll reconsider coming back to playing the game with a different approach on pricing and inflation, seeing those as normal MMO phenomenon that balance themselves thanks to the value of good pokemon going up as well.

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