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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. Auction start: after first bid Length of auction: 48h Start bid: 20mil Current bid: / Instant buyout: 35mil Accepted payment: cc-420k, rr590k I will transfer to gold it the winner is from gold
  2. https://i.imgur.com/DQ5bdmB.png
  3. ^title, add me on Discord: Felix#5505
  4. still interested? still interested?
  5. Well I didn't acknowledge it but yeah you won the Hitmontop, add me on my discord Felix#5055
  6. you won, let me know when you can be online or add me on discord felix#5055
  7. Add me on Discors Felix#5055 or be online in 3 hours from now
  8. Let me know when you are online.
  9. Glalie and Porygon2 sold
  10. Accept cash only Auction start is after 1st bid / last 48 hours start 300k bid increase steps 50k insta 900k Accept cash only Auction start is after 1st bid / last 48 hours start 500k bid increase steps 100k insta 1.2mil
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