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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. The NPC didn't ask me before the battle started if I have a lvl100 pokemon. It is not the first time and apparently it is happening to others as well. Morty always asked before the battle if I have a lvl100 ghost type pokemon.
  2. Shane decides it and he is busy doing other things/IRL, he will decide when the season ends :)
  3. Hello Bong2015, unfortunately the pokemon is gone forever, they can't do anything about it. Make sure to check out these threads Crash/Dc Hit by a Rollback
  4. The timer ends one minute too early, I am not sure if it indented to be like that but for example a safari run doesn't end after 19 minutes, it does end after 20 minutes. I made a gif when this happened https://gfycat.com/SomberGlitteringDevilfish
  5. Hello editigre, as I said above, there is no way you can get the pokemon back, it is gone (deleted out of the released database). I am really sorry that this happened to you but be more careful next time. :)
  6. Munchlax, its cute :Heart:
  7. Hello LordNewbie, you can report the thread and request an unlock or just post a request in here. The Shiny threads close themselves after 5days iirc and since you haven't posted in yours for like 7days; it got auto closed. His Shiny Shop thread
  8. Hello m0atz, If both last pokemon faint at the same time, the user which used an self-damaging move(+moves with lifeorbs) will lose; such as Brave Bird or any move combined with Life Orb. previously I did face this same situation and I use brave bird, but I won, they change something on this? I am not entirely sure but I won a game because of this glitch ( enemy dragonite died duo to lifeorb damage ) I have to actually test it myself in order to say more about it but all I know is that it is acting weird sometimes, not sure if it is indented like that or not
  9. Hello WIll1994, please check out these threads Making Me redo a Quest hoenn teleport quest reset New Mauville Quest bugs and as Reikou said in another thread Everyone had to redo the quest to use the teleporters again unfortunately, no way around it
  10. Hello m0atz, If both last pokemon faint at the same time, the user which used an self-damaging move(+moves with lifeorbs) will lose; such as Brave Bird or any move combined with Life Orb.
  11. Hello RafArnaldi, it is a good thing that you have the ID but keep in mind that PRO has two checks before actually releasing a pokemon (drag and drop the pokemon into the release box and confirming to release it). Just an advice, be more careful next time; right now you can just wait till an admin sees this thread and reinstates the pokemon. Good luck! ;) for the future -> source: Release
  12. As Reikou said but here are the exact locations and spawntimes of Kanto/Johto/Hoenn starter o/
  13. Hello rajniganth, you can get Surf/Cut/Flash during the Kanto story. Complete Kanto Walkthrough Waterfall is in Sootopolis this guide is for HM Fly Get HM-02 Fly Demonstration @ Kanto and Hm Dive is sometime in hoenn, can't recall when o/
  14. Hello LasTrial, check out the things I quoted/linked, 3rd party application most of the times means something automated like bots/scripts/macros source: Ban just a reminder for the future o/
  15. Hello FlaFlaPT, it is working fine for me, did you try to relog/re-enter the building?
  16. Hello editigre, unfortunately it is too late to recover the pokemon. as stated in that post->
  17. Welcome to PRO :3
  18. welcome back o/
  19. credits to me for that screen ty the Tutor is on the Wiki -> Move Tutors I took this from Gambilicious on Discord and posted because it wasn't in the thread. Besides, many use this thread and not the wiki. I don't think anyone cares about "credits" to something that wasn't shared. You could have posted it here yourself if you had the information all along. It is actually in the wiki cuz of me :3 and I pm'd Shamac already about it btt: so this is not offtopic; NPC is in Vermilion City
  20. Sure, the guide is pretty helpful if you get stucked again o/
  21. Hello FranZeuuZ, check out this Kanto Walkthrough -> Route 5 I hope this will help you o/
  22. just in case, so you don't lose your second one -> if you only use pokeballs, you can just buy a great-/ultraball and have some space between the masterball and the pokeballs
  23. Hello Pelfie, sadly that is not possible, please be careful next time. I am pretty sure that this happened duo a lag, so in that case nothing can be done about it (even every other case, they wouldn't do anything about it). source: Lost pokemon/item
  24. Re: ♦ Looking for Daycare ♦ [new pokemon added ~ 3/11/17] <t>bump ~</t>
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