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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. okay, well nobody will win unless the server crashes or someone dc's
  2. well just switches and nobody attacks?
  3. Who ever runs out of PP first o:
  4. I am glad we worked this out. :)
  5. I separated both names in order to apologies for both things, the things I said towards you on your player account and on your staffaccount. I hope we can leave this in the past. :Smile: Yeah, I don't play pro anymore, but someone linked me this thread so I thought I'd let you know I have no harsh feelings towards you anymore and that I want to forget about it, too. :Shy: I deeply sorry that you don't want to comeback :x I wish you best of luck tho :Angel:
  6. LOL, I would very much like an ambipom rank lul :Smile: I separated both names in order to apologies for both things, the things I said towards you on your player account and on your staffaccount. I hope we can leave this in the past. :Smile: Pm'd you on Discord
  7. :Heart: :Frown: Ambipom is too good tho ;)
  8. I pm'd you the reason why you are on that list. :) lee is a good boy ;)
  9. "6. Members are asked to not act as mini-mods. " I am actually just trying to help and not break any rules :)a and this is about stuff that happened in the past & I never did apology for the things I did.
  10. everyone I wanted to see it, saw it o/
  11. Sad to see you leaving, I wish you best of luck for the future :)
  12. Sure thing, let me know if you have more question. :)
  13. I never had a decent team :3 and still made it, as you can see in my signature
  14. you can do it :) No i am really bad at PvP :v everyone can be good at PVP, just needs time :3
  15. you can do it :)
  16. make sure to level them all to level100, just for the swag Do i evolve one to be the father ? :V no, let the kids be kids forever o:
  17. Thank's gonna do the rattata familly :D make sure to level them all to level100, just for the swag
  18. what a great video, thanks again! :)
  19. congratz dude ;)
  20. little side-note Lead with the low level and just switch to a higher level pokemon in order to train them quicker, there is no smokeball required
  21. no and no :) just a random guy trying to help
  22. the server reboots usually every 1-2 days but it also reboots if it crashes, so you just have to wait
  23. Hello Memetkun, I am sorry for the inconvenience, you might check out this thread -> Blurry Screen and something else. a few steps you should do in order to fix that problem update your GPU driver set every settings to high and see if it makes any difference update any possible driver you can think of that is no up to date, that could cause this ("Latest version of the .Net Framework, graphics card, Motherboard software, Direct X, and other things that you think.") reinstall the game to another file location a few question I/we need in order to help you What settings do you have in PRO? Was this issue always there or did it just appear? Did you change anything in your GPU settings? This was the latest staff response towards this issue -> So in conclusion, if nothing helps from the thread I posted, someone from the staff team needs to teleport you back to a pokecenter (this might fix the problem). Pre
  24. forever, it is a permanent area
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