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Everything posted by Prehax

  1. find me that quote otherwise just follow what the rules say :) ps: if this was true, half of the players in our guild would banned
  2. Hello Pilsen, source: Rules
  3. Re: Yanmega 20+ modest <t>start yanmega</t>
  4. I am not a part of the staff team and won't be, please refrain yourself from saying that.
  5. was already suggested like 2344 times, we have to wait till they do something like this
  6. Hello Adham, 1. You probably didn't delete everything correctly, like "%temp%" and stuff like that, it usually doesn't do that if you delete EVERYTHING PRO related. 2. simply, because you don't install it :)
  7. Hello Palidos, does the android device meet the requirements? also here is a guide -> [TUTORIAL] How to PRO on Android
  8. Hello frainbreezer, this is not the right place to report someone and as zonamarelarap mentioned -> Blue Report Center and try to explain what went down, what was the agreement and when this was. :)
  9. welcome to PRO :)
  10. welcome to PRO :D
  11. Just to enlighten you, You can't even get 1 medallion for 1m on Yellow Server. xD tell that the guy who bought one 30day ms for 1mil just yesterday on yellow :y:
  12. bought it yesterday, the NPC works fine for me
  13. Hello NightSilv (again), Sorry was on my phone when I wrote this, a more advanced tactic is, to disconnect while the NPC's move towards you, this will ensure that you don't teleport back to the last pokecenter and it won't even create a new battle BUT you skip the NPC regardless :) needs a bit of timing and practice OR if you are in the end game, like me; you can buy the new "Transit Pass" in order to travel one week for free after you paid 100k (ofc if you have the teleporter quest).
  14. Hello NightSilv, Yea but you can skip them if you might lose just disconnect and reconnect before you actually lose.
  15. Re: Looking for some reliable daycarer (fixprice 250k each poke/1day timelimit) <r><QUOTE author="Naliusz"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Ill make sure to hit you up if I have the time to do so.</r>
  16. well a game without ranked/comp is nothing for me anyway xd
  17. you should its worth it does it even have a ranked system?
  18. never played TF2 tbh o.o
  19. Es gibt bestimmt irgendeinen Fix dafür aber er ist noch nicht bekannt, da es zu wenige betrifft. :)
  20. welcome back to PRO :)
  21. not sure what you are trying to do, but you keep doing it wrong... lel also, you know that this is an old thread right?
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