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About Hiddenability

  • Birthday 07/29/1997

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  1. Please consider about fixing "Sand Veli" Ability to non-coded list cuz I know you can't ban this ability. It kinda annoying when poke like garchomp keep dodging from weavile ice punch, mamos ice shard, exca earthquake... then totally destroy the game. 20% eva is not a small number at all and sand team is the most common team in PRO. No one want to wait until sandstorm subsided to start attacking it. Moreover weather bug is usually happen in PRO, sometimes I don't know if Sandstorm is subsided or not or how long does it last. It not too OP but who want to lose a match like this when in PRO even 1 rating player can match up with 500+ rating player ? :Angry: . Evasion dodge is not a strategy at all. :Proud:
  2. pls don't fix this bug :devil:
  3. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9 <r><QUOTE author="SheWas18"><s> </e></QUOTE> yup i know clefa still good but i am talking about S rank, It not too big deal when your pokemon get t-wawe or your magne and exca get hit by flame thrower,it not enough to OHKO and even blissey or slowbro can do the same. Then OP will know which moves set your clefa using because not much player using both t-wawe and flame thrower <E>:Grin:</E> <QUOTE author="SheWas18"><s> </e></QUOTE> due to stealth rock not much player using dra as late game sweeper but still a good blazi counter with extreme speed<QUOTE author="idkup"><s> </e></QUOTE> Are u talking about impish garchomp and careful glisscor with max ivs on spdef and hp ? ok it fine... and i am talking about its diversity and not mean that it is a perfect spinblocking like other ghost type pokemons but none pokemon can do those things better than gengar. moreover , Gengar still absorb toxic spikes, just saw this yesterday and don't know if this bug got fixed like Shane said or not...</r>
  4. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9 <r>Where is Blaziken ? xD . I suggest you to create S+ rank for this pokemon <E>:Grin:</E> . Not much pokemon can take 2 hit from life orb blaziken that mean you will need to sacrifice at least 1 poke if you want to have a safe switch. Only three poke i found which can survival after +2 atk blazi so far:<br/> - +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 367-433 (87.3 - 103%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO<br/> - +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tentacruel: 269-316 (73.9 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery<br/> - +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 192-227 (48.7 - 57.6%) -- 55.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery ( but still need to be careful when 1 SD bla with knock off can 0HKO slowbro)<br/> Still a huge damages and you can't always make sure that those pokes are always at full health or take stealth rock and spike damage. that mean Blaziken with protect or sword dance will be the best late game sweeper i believe.<br/> <br/> +Bisharp should be S rank: In smogon Substitute is one of best ways to counter bisharp and ghost type or psychic type usually have focus blast to OHKO bisharp but it still in OU tier ¯\_(ツ)_/¯<br/> + clefable should be A+ or less : even with full moves set but clefa is not deserved S rank at all, with a common moves set, Clefa is not too hard to counter and look at PRO ranking tier, not a good poke at all when alot poke can stop clefa from stalling it self. More over, unaware is not working, that mean magic guard is the only abi it have. In smogon ppl even waste few turns just to know which abi Clefa using, funny but it is true <E>:kiss:</E> <br/> + gengar should be A+ : even lacking of focus blast TM but life orb gengar still really OP, it immune to ground,fighter,normal type and can easily OHKO really common poke like garchomp, glisscor with icy wind and gengar is the only ghost type which viability at PVP ranked, If switch correctly you can stop OP from using rapid spin which is really annoying.</r>
  5. 150 evos ? oh come on... This is the worst requirement can happen, I totally don't care about the new spawns there, the only thing i care is the new tutor there, Just like egg moves both are really important moves that a lot poke can't be missing it. Like i said a lot poke need it.... so it will be really annoying when u keep continue and continues asking other ppl for help and not everyone can find a truthful person. It only make new player harder to join the PVP when u put too hard requirement like this or 200h for egg moves. PVP is one of best part of this game , it must be fair enough for all the players and even new player also need approach it as soon as possible. I think u should move the tutor outside or fix the requirement make it fair for all players like you will need to catch 6 difference dragon type poke with ur OT or something like that... I have feeling that "focus blast" tutor gonna coming soon, pls don't said that it will need 300 evos :Smile:
  6. Re: ESPEON TIMID HA - CLEFAIRY EPIC <t>200k clefa</t>
  7. I can give u prove that even magnezone modest with 68 base power fire but still can't k.o this scizor and even deal less damage than this one. Like i said, hidden power is alway have base power only about 50 and not base on ivs.
  8. this was what I calculated: 252+ SpA Magnezone Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Scizor: 348-412 (103.5 - 122.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO. Check again, I think you just put some evs on spdef or it was mega scizor :Grin:
  9. glad when someone bump this topic after 4 months :Grin: . yeah, i have a lot of magnezone h.p fire with difference base power like 44 and 68 when calculator, but yup, both can't kill this scizor and have almost the same damage dealed to scizor. So that mean base power is not 60 but also not random at all, it only have about 50-55 base power. Maybe Shane was nerfed it like when he do with confuse ray :Heart:
  10. Currently i have alot pvp coins in yellow sv and want to trade for pvp coins in red sv. I'll pay double if U want to trade those items, that mean trade 1 life orb for me in red you will receive 2 same items in yellow sever. :thanks:
  11. Currently i have alot pvp coins in yellow sv and want to trade for pvp coins in red sv. I'll pay double if U want to trade those items, that mean trade 1 life orb for me in red you will receive 2 same items in yellow sever. :thanks:
  12. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I would like to register!<br/> Server: yellow<br/> Timezone: GMT+9<br/> Trainer Card: <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/kPPjBn6.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Re: epic timid h.p FIRE magnemite. <r>sold for insta ingame. <E>:thanks:</E></r>
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