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Everything posted by Pyrodraken
Also für [glow=blue]Server:Blue[/glow] Sieht es aktuel so aus das es Schon eine gibt.
I allready checked (not all) a good example is HM CutBulpedia sayes Sylveon could learn it. In PRO it cannot. I was thinking maybe player who use Sylveon may could have helped me out. The reason why i went to forum instead of ingame chat. Aswell i cannot Access Hoenn or Jotho yet. I will do research but i with my current state prally did hit a dead end. (Kanto) Your Pyrodraken.
If its an order I'll need a bit to gather them ^^ Currently I got 1 Black Belt and 3 Magnets
Wenn man sich abspricht läuft es nicht darauf hinaus das 4 leute ne DE gilde aufmachen
Stimmt auch so Jedoch das alleine zu stemmen is Schwer ^^ aber nicht unmöglich
Im one of thoose who did 'Set up camp` in Helpchat and Yes i do say rates for battlechat but for story all pokemon work. I as a Casual player myself who knows nothing more past Kanto then what i did read in the forum can't help them with ev iv. I tell them they should look in the forum for Guides. Aswell if you allow rates to helpchat then you would have to alow price checks there too. I see the problem when it starts to get out of controll for rates/price checks right now its okish to manage currently, but If we would let it go thro then it may cause a problem of spam :/
Which moves can be learn'd to a Sylveon besided Dig or Toxic. It learns by itself: Helping Hand (lv1) / Tackel (lv1) / Tail Whip (lv1) / Quick Attack (lv13) / Swift (lv17) / Skill Swap (lv25) / Light Screen (lv33) / Last Resort (lv41) / Psych Up (lv45) It cannot learn Flamethrow, Icy Wind, Seismic Toss, Mega Kick, Headbutt, Thunderbolt, Solar Beam, Swagger, Psychic, Psywave, Counter, Take Down, Dragon Rage, Sky Attack, Earthquake, Bide, Bubblebeam I know this still in dev, but maybe there are attacks im missing so any advice or such would be awesome
Are you still looking for a Feather?
I thought thats considerd a Personal Shop. Thank You for moving it into the correct sub forum.
Ok which timezone your playn? so i know roughly when you will be online
Not anymore only the old ones and the Movie with Mew and Mew2 after that nope
Sorry for doublepost Mind to remove one ? My bad sorry :(
Hello everyone. I as a player who mostly snoops around in help chat, was wondering what for current offers in Trade chat that I just missed. Thats where i got the suggestion from. A option where you can disable the locked place for chat So basicly either you keep them Clusterd as they are or when enabled You can move the diffrent tabs into a own chat window by dragging them away from the current chat position. I'm sorry if there was allready some kind of that topic (I Admit did not check passt page 1 in Suggestion if there is a thread about it).
Hello everyone. I as a player who mostly snoops around in help chat, was wondering what for current offers in Trade chat that I just missed. Thats where i got the suggestion from. A option where you can disable the locked place for chat So basicly either you keep them Clusterd as they are or when enabled You can move the diffrent tabs into a own chat window by dragging them away from the current chat position. I'm sorry if there was allready some kind of that topic (I Admit did not check passt page 1 in Suggestion if there is a thread about it).
I would recommend to have passions, I'm sure the Staf is allready working on a Solution. Aswell it's not helping to open a 100 threads when there is allready 1 that describes the problem.
I like to listen to those kinds of songs. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Or [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
Hello everyone I thought about selling some Held Items and some evolution stones Currently in Stock Held items 8x Hard Stone -> 1500 3x Black Slug 3x Focus Band 3x Magnet -> 2500 2x Soft Sand 2x Poison Barb 2x Sharp Beak 1x Smoke Ball 1x Metal Coat-> 3000 1x Damp Stone 1x Light Clay 1x Nocturnal Feather-> 5000 *note that the price is allways for 1 and not for all item is* Currently in Stock Evolution Stones 4x Dawn Stone -> 1000 1x Dusk Stone² 1x Deep Sea Scale² 3x King Rock -> 1500 2x Thunder Stone -> 1500 *note that the price allways for 1 and not for all item is* I also go on hunts for Nocturnal Feather, I may also Hunt for diffrent Held Items, but the Price will Change with the item. (Unless it is a Everstone i won't Hunt for it and i wont for items i have in stock, aswell currently only Kanto Hunt's) Item Hunt Nocturnal Feather 5000$ *note other items may follow* I will check daily this Thread, Or you PM me in Game for a Hunt (where to find me well like mostly in help chat) Your Pyrodraken ² prices will be added soon
:y: Congratulation to the Staff and a BIG :thanks: as a player :Grin:
To be honest i think this eevee can be anything. Never seen a godlike befor.
ok thanks :) sorry for troubeling you :3
about time you find the time to say hello nzg :) Welcome :p
Salve Spectatoris I got a Question if there is a Actual Item Guide thats up2date or a WIP. And if WIP Guides are there Do you need Help with. I'm sorry if its the wrong forumtree/subforum for. And would you move it to the Correct one please. :thanks: a bunch :3 Your Pyrodraken from Server Blue~
thx man now i feel even older lol :thanks: for the warm welcome :)
man kann sich auch auf dem german chat treffen ^^ /cgjoin german nur wenn keiner redet bleibt der chat meistens stumm ;) wir sind halt ein schweigsames volk :)