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Everything posted by Pyrodraken

  1. Also für [glow=blue]Server:Blue[/glow] Sieht es aktuel so aus das es Schon eine gibt.
  2. I allready checked (not all) a good example is HM CutBulpedia sayes Sylveon could learn it. In PRO it cannot. I was thinking maybe player who use Sylveon may could have helped me out. The reason why i went to forum instead of ingame chat. Aswell i cannot Access Hoenn or Jotho yet. I will do research but i with my current state prally did hit a dead end. (Kanto) Your Pyrodraken.
  3. If its an order I'll need a bit to gather them ^^ Currently I got 1 Black Belt and 3 Magnets
  4. Wenn man sich abspricht läuft es nicht darauf hinaus das 4 leute ne DE gilde aufmachen
  5. Stimmt auch so Jedoch das alleine zu stemmen is Schwer ^^ aber nicht unmöglich
  6. Im one of thoose who did 'Set up camp` in Helpchat and Yes i do say rates for battlechat but for story all pokemon work. I as a Casual player myself who knows nothing more past Kanto then what i did read in the forum can't help them with ev iv. I tell them they should look in the forum for Guides. Aswell if you allow rates to helpchat then you would have to alow price checks there too. I see the problem when it starts to get out of controll for rates/price checks right now its okish to manage currently, but If we would let it go thro then it may cause a problem of spam :/
  7. Which moves can be learn'd to a Sylveon besided Dig or Toxic. It learns by itself: Helping Hand (lv1) / Tackel (lv1) / Tail Whip (lv1) / Quick Attack (lv13) / Swift (lv17) / Skill Swap (lv25) / Light Screen (lv33) / Last Resort (lv41) / Psych Up (lv45) It cannot learn Flamethrow, Icy Wind, Seismic Toss, Mega Kick, Headbutt, Thunderbolt, Solar Beam, Swagger, Psychic, Psywave, Counter, Take Down, Dragon Rage, Sky Attack, Earthquake, Bide, Bubblebeam I know this still in dev, but maybe there are attacks im missing so any advice or such would be awesome
  8. Are you still looking for a Feather?
  9. I thought thats considerd a Personal Shop. Thank You for moving it into the correct sub forum.
  10. Ok which timezone your playn? so i know roughly when you will be online
  11. Not anymore only the old ones and the Movie with Mew and Mew2 after that nope
  12. Pyrodraken


    Sorry for doublepost Mind to remove one ? My bad sorry :(
  13. Pyrodraken


    Hello everyone. I as a player who mostly snoops around in help chat, was wondering what for current offers in Trade chat that I just missed. Thats where i got the suggestion from. A option where you can disable the locked place for chat So basicly either you keep them Clusterd as they are or when enabled You can move the diffrent tabs into a own chat window by dragging them away from the current chat position. I'm sorry if there was allready some kind of that topic (I Admit did not check passt page 1 in Suggestion if there is a thread about it).
  14. Pyrodraken


    Hello everyone. I as a player who mostly snoops around in help chat, was wondering what for current offers in Trade chat that I just missed. Thats where i got the suggestion from. A option where you can disable the locked place for chat So basicly either you keep them Clusterd as they are or when enabled You can move the diffrent tabs into a own chat window by dragging them away from the current chat position. I'm sorry if there was allready some kind of that topic (I Admit did not check passt page 1 in Suggestion if there is a thread about it).
  15. I would recommend to have passions, I'm sure the Staf is allready working on a Solution. Aswell it's not helping to open a 100 threads when there is allready 1 that describes the problem.
  16. I like to listen to those kinds of songs. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] Or [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  17. Hello everyone I thought about selling some Held Items and some evolution stones Currently in Stock Held items 8x Hard Stone -> 1500 3x Black Slug 3x Focus Band 3x Magnet -> 2500 2x Soft Sand 2x Poison Barb 2x Sharp Beak 1x Smoke Ball 1x Metal Coat-> 3000 1x Damp Stone 1x Light Clay 1x Nocturnal Feather-> 5000 *note that the price is allways for 1 and not for all item is* Currently in Stock Evolution Stones 4x Dawn Stone -> 1000 1x Dusk Stone² 1x Deep Sea Scale² 3x King Rock -> 1500 2x Thunder Stone -> 1500 *note that the price allways for 1 and not for all item is* I also go on hunts for Nocturnal Feather, I may also Hunt for diffrent Held Items, but the Price will Change with the item. (Unless it is a Everstone i won't Hunt for it and i wont for items i have in stock, aswell currently only Kanto Hunt's) Item Hunt Nocturnal Feather 5000$ *note other items may follow* I will check daily this Thread, Or you PM me in Game for a Hunt (where to find me well like mostly in help chat) Your Pyrodraken ² prices will be added soon
  18. :y: Congratulation to the Staff and a BIG :thanks: as a player :Grin:
  19. To be honest i think this eevee can be anything. Never seen a godlike befor.
  20. ok thanks :) sorry for troubeling you :3
  21. about time you find the time to say hello nzg :) Welcome :p
  22. Salve Spectatoris I got a Question if there is a Actual Item Guide thats up2date or a WIP. And if WIP Guides are there Do you need Help with. I'm sorry if its the wrong forumtree/subforum for. And would you move it to the Correct one please. :thanks: a bunch :3 Your Pyrodraken from Server Blue~
  23. thx man now i feel even older lol :thanks: for the warm welcome :)
  24. man kann sich auch auf dem german chat treffen ^^ /cgjoin german nur wenn keiner redet bleibt der chat meistens stumm ;) wir sind halt ein schweigsames volk :)
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