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Everything posted by Sepia

  1. Ty so much
  2. Hello, I had done the Volcanion quest and while in the process of trying to catch Volcanion, it died on me using flare blitz at red health. I remembered NPC boss Nikola gives you a chance to fight and catch legendaries again but seems like it is not one of the pokes you can encounter. Are there any other ways to obtain it? Thank you.
  3. I released my Golduck by mistake. ID 17075274 Thanks in advance for the help.
  4. Username: Sepia Server : Gold
  5. Pokemon ID: 19744034 Server: Gold was releasing bug pokemon after BCC and accidentally deleted.
  6. I would like to know if the move 'block' is available in TM or Move Tutor. Thank you.
  7. Discord: Sepia#4862 Server: Gold
  8. Hello, just want to make a quick suggestion about storage in the game. Could be much improved if players could sort out Pokes the way they wanted (adding separate tabs/favorites section such as for PVP Pokes, Pokes to train in the future, Pokes to sell etc) - Also maybe extra functions in sorting Pokemon such as: caught date order, dex number order... it would be convenient for many different reasons and purposes. Implementation of system where players can manually move Pokemon around within storage like in later gens would be very helpful and easy to manage. Mass release - Maybe this was suggested before by others but this can save lots of time for players with lots of Pokes. Going through boxes and dragging each Poke to release can be a nightmare. It would be great if this can be allowed (not for all Pokes in storage but the [box] that the player has currently selected and is seeing) and the time consumption will be significantly reduced. The reason I came to this thread was because I was trying to find my Rotom-Wash in storage today and I could not search for it by typing its name which then I had to dig through about 30 boxes before I finally found it. Realized some things could be changed for better overall experience. We always appreciate your hard work for this game. And many thanks.
  9. Are there still problems with the server even after the fix? I just randomly get logged off the game still during boss fights and hunting wild pokemons. Is this still an occuring server problem or a problem at my end?
  10. Hello, I accidentally released my Azelf from my box, could you help me out please? Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
  11. Hey guys nvm I found it there was a lag when I opened my inventory as I came out of the cave and I kept on clicking on it madly and as a result my one of my pokemon ended up holding it so it wasnt in the tab because of that....just noticed my pokemon holding the mount right now. Sorry for the trouble.
  12. I was happily on my way to mount silver from vermillion city riding my arcanine mount, went through diglett cave, came walking outside to ride it again and it was gone from the customization tab. I thought maybe an error so I logged off and came back, still gone. Closed the program and relogged in again but it still wasnt there. So I went to talk to a mod and he was very nice and helpful in telling me to come to the forum and let the staff here know about it. He told me a screen shot of me having my mount would be very helpful but I didn't take one. I had finally caught a dratini today after looking for it for 2 days and completed the mount quest to get a mount I am so sad right now :( Please help! Thank you.
  13. Yea....all the clients for the rest of platforms have been updated except for android...I am an android user and I havent been able to update the game because of this....
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