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About Politechnik

  • Birthday 01/25/1995

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  • Career
    Electric Engineering, IT
  • Occupation
    Electric Engineering, IT

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Since the ability Arena Trap is working properly and we have spam of focus sashed dugtrios in pvp. I suggest to either unban Shadow Tag Wobbuffet or ban arena trap Dugtrio aswell. Reason? Both Wobbu and Dugtrio are meant to trap and take down certain threats, both have simillar drawbacks (arena trap can't trap flying and levitate, wobbuffet cannot attack) and most of the time both are one-time use. That's why they should be either both unbanned or banned.
  2. Anyone knows how to get to place from @TheAkalli screenshot? The lustrious orb one?
  3. Re: ► How to go to Sinnoh [spoilers][Please try it out first without help] ◄ <t>Eh, I was doing same guide, nwm. Gj.</t>
  4. 9oomy and Gouseru teams: 9oomy: 1. Goodra (power whip) 2. Liepard 3. Pangoro (superpower) 4. Mega Sableye (power gem) 5. Hoopa 6. Zoroark (grass knot) Gouseru: 1. Xerneas (close combat) 2. Sylveon (stored power) 3. Hydreigon (dark pulse, stone edge) 4. Mega Mawile (iron head, sucker punch) 5. Togekiss (air slash) 6. Azumarill (hydro pump) Reward: Goomy, 2xTM Flamethrower, 3xTM Calm Mind, 16.975P$
  5. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [30+ new spawns ~ 8/6/2017]◄ <r>Change the sandile, trapinch spawn to lvl 25 on Desert Route 111<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/kCIvO0jKT5yFWv22ly6Ngw.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  6. What I have noticed: Thor's team: 1. Dragonite (iron head) 2. Greninja (surf) 3. Mew (aura sphere) 4. Tyranitar (dragon dance, earthquake) 5. Mamoswine (ice shard) 6. XD001 (aeroblast, psyschock) Bugsy's team: 1. Scizor (feint, iron head) 2. Genesect (flamethrower, ice beam) 3. Ninjask (slash, x-scissor) 4. Ferrothorn (payback) 5. Pinsir (guillotine) 6. Mega Heracross (rock blast, earthquake) Oak's team: Arcanine goes before Mega Venusaur Lt. Surge: Electrode is replaced by Stunfisk
  7. You also "scam off" pokes for cheap so don't dare to teach others.
  8. Today I have finished my 50th daily quest and should recive "free shiny" as a reward - NPC said I have recived shiny Nidoran F but... I didn't get. Neither in my team or pokemon box. Sadly didn't take screenshot.
  9. It's not a dig spot actually, never been - it's just... decoration.
  10. Little update - found 2 shiny stones today.
  11. It evolves Kirugin.
  12. I got summer clothes from Aqua leader, so it's not a bug at all - just like hat - you get random one.
  13. It's not wrong - you can get magma outfit or summer clothes. Depends on luck.
  14. A friend of mine provides daycare service and have a lot of pokes from guys that got banned - can he keep/sell them without any problem?
  15. I got Politoed hat from Major after doing Aqua side quest.
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