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About C9blastoise

  • Birthday 02/28/1996

Personal Information

  • Career
    Blastoise Fanboy
  • Occupation
    Blastoise Fanboy

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hello o/ It's been a long time since I've played, randomly thought of PRO. Will give it another go to spend some time here Hope everyone's been well
  2. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Clockspeed Friendliest: Mieon Funniest: Blazer001 Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Royceson1 Most Talkative: CobraMK Most Trustworthy: imhanjoo Most Helpful: imhanjoo Most Missed: Bigmoney Most Influential: Quanle92 Most Intriguing: Pulsee STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: SaltySully Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Shieon Best Mapper: Spectify Most Professional Staff: Neroli Most Friendly Staff: Shieon Most Dedicated Staff: Suhuzen Most Honorable Former Staff: Integer
  3. [glow=yellow]Zapdos[/glow][glow=blue]Articuno[/glow][glow=red]Moltres[/glow] The legendary bird trio. I'd love to see them added, like Raikou, Suicune and Entei were added. Mostly because we got many legendaries at the moment, but only 1 from Kanto (Mew). Since we have Celebi, Raikou, Suicune and Entei from Johto; Latias, Latios and Jirachi from Hoenn; and Phione, Heatran, Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit from Sinnoh. I think it is pretty reasonable to also add Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres with a quest, just like the quest for Raikou, Suicune and Entei. But instead of having to have finished the Celebi quest, it'll need Mew quest and 750 hours ingame play time. Also I don't see any downsides to adding the three legendary birds. [glow=green]Thanks for reading my suggestion and I hope you support my suggestion[/glow] :thanks:
  4. Looks good :D
  5. I'm only selling at the moment, not trading. Sorry
  6. wtb 1 deep sea tooth what's your timezone and what time are you available? My timezone is GMT+1 and I'm available from 6PM
  7. What's your ingame name and where do you want to meet?
  8. [glow=blue]Welcome in my Item Shop[/glow] :Cool: I accept coins & money. I won't trade for other items or for Pokémons. Coins to money rate is 100 coins = $500K If you have questions, or want to negotiate the prices. Please comment below or contact me on Discord [ Blastoise#5780 ] [glow=blue]Hold Items[/glow] [glow=blue]Evolution Items[/glow] [glow=blue]Cosmetic items & Mounts[/glow] [glow=yellow]Thanks for checking out my Item Shop, have a nice day[/glow] :thanks:
  9. Hi, I accidently released my Diggersby Proof: Server: Red
  10. Somehow the person I was battling with, couldn't battle somehow and my battle only ended when he logged out and logged back in? Don't know how it happened but just happened in my first PVP match of the day. :Question: :Question: :Question:
  11. I like Squirtles, guess you can count me in :3
  12. Re: Auction Adamant/Huge Power Diggersby <t>- AUCTION HAS BEEN CLOSED SINCE IT REACHED IT'S END TIME -</t>
  13. Hello, I was hunting Scraggy in Sinnoh at Iron Island. When I saw that Thor told us there was a new boss. So I figured. Let's go find it and take my pokemons out for the boss and put items on them. Then I DC'd and was back in the Iron Island Cave where I was farming Scraggy. With my Sync, False Swipe Pokemon and the Scraggy I caught earlier. So I went back, thinking it was a simple rollback, took my pokemons out again for the boss. But couldn't find the items I had given them in my Inventory. So I don't know what to do now. As I cannot buy new once from players because I don't have the money at the moment. EDIT: the items I lost are: 1x Flame Orb, 1x Choice Band, 1x Life Orb, 2x Leftovers & 1x Focus Sash.
  14. ENDED
  15. I've finished Sinnoh today, and I traveled to Kanto by boat in Canalave. Now I cannot walk anywhere. All I can do to move again is Escape Rope but that'll bring me back to Canalave :(
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