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Everything posted by Syazmeep

  1. Hello. Finally back from 1 year and hv time to play this game again :Crazy: Greeting to all of u awesome people o/
  2. This is what make PRO unique :v doesnt mean there new gen and new stuff u should update too . we dont have to follow what other game do . if u dont like The PRO way system , u can go to that other mmo game . there are lot other stuff PRO need update rather than all this gen 7 stuff . About the Pokemon itself , there are reason why they have different tier in the competitive and in PRO all those tier are just combine in here . Its the player choice on what u going to build for your team either stall team or cancer team because.. there are no rule in here so people can go wild on what team build they want ( ofcource there are few rule list in pvp here that we should follow ) but overall this is what PRO META is now .
  3. + x10 :y: + x1 :y:
  4. Re: Who is your best buddy in PRO? Here's mine. <r>all yellow player is my best buddies <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  5. Dud .... U MAKE ALL THIS ?!?! That is Awesome ! Like have u try to apply become a mapper or something xD cause U really good at it . Love your stuff man :Heart:
  6. Hi Letrix <3 Thanks for checking my post :Heart: Yeah Ill try to see if I can fix the tablet on upcoming time . Thanks for the support :Shy:
  7. Hey Welcome to the Forum <3 I like how your first post is in my post :Crazy: . Thanks for the Kind Comment . I appreciate the word <3
  8. Thanks Daeon <3 Yeah about the digital imagery i could learn to make it with the photoshop but for now I would like to focus more onto sketching and practise anatomy before I can go into more detail like digital or colouring <3 I do have my old digital tablet but cant use because the wired has broken so for now i can only focus onto the drawing and shading . I could learn to do pixel art tho :3
  9. Thanks for the support :Heart: I appreciate Your kind word . And yeah I want to get a better camera so it can get a clear shot than this <3 would look way more cooler
  10. Thanks for the kind word <3 I will try to do more and improve in meantime <3
  11. Thanks man ~ glad that u love it :Heart:
  12. Will do . Thanks for the Kind word <3 I Appreciate it
  13. Thanks for the Critique <3 Yeah for the Umbreon I try to make it different and on that time i start to practise animal anatomy and try improve on tht point :y: Thanks for checking out
  14. wow you are really awesome :) I hope you could be an artist for the game ;) haha im still low age to be :p thanks for the support :Heart:
  15. Sylveon oo :Heart:
  16. Will do <3 Thanks for the support !
  17. Thanks Sugar :Heart: Love to see people like my Art :Shy:
  18. Thanks <3 I appreciate the kind comment :y:
  19. Sorry for the late Reply .Thanks for the Support ! Yeah I will try to post more if I draw some again <3 I ill try update the post when there new art come :y:
  20. Yo just found out about your artwork ~ with this new creative zone station update . Cant say how much realistic and awesome u make the pokemon look :Heart: totally admire u :Shy: Looking forward to see more of your art :y:
  21. first kappa
  22. Happy new year OO :Heart:
  23. Good luck man on your upcoming future <3
  24. 1st - What country are you from? From Malaysia :D 2nd - What server are you? Yellow Server :D 3rd - Why did they choose this server? I read on forum before play that the yellow is newest server so I like to be in new one 4th - Are you happy on this server? Yeah :D Lot friend in there and all chat is memes as ever ;) 5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise? - Probably Milotic by far my favourite <3 I get into Pokemon because i was googling fish like Creature to draw and i was deeply fell in love with Milotic design <3 - It is most Beautiful Pokemon after all for me <3 6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own? Probably Milotic with High IV because ''Wynaut'' 7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise? Probably Eevee or Milotic they both pretty 8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you? It probably mean a place where lot fantasy creature u can imagine or love where u can interect with and have a deeply feel into it . As for me I really love fantasy creature and to play or own it ingame ? Its like something u never feel before ~ So What Pokemon mean to me is a very powerful fantasy place not just me but other people can be in it too :Heart:
  25. the current situation has little/nothing to do with the supply or demand. It's all about the money in the system. The PRO economy is designed bad! It will always result in a hyperinflation. The amount of money/items we grind from ev-training, lvling, dig spots, mushrooms, npc-battles, pokestop, ... is so much higher then the money we spend in the pokestores or as entrance fee for safari or excavation sites (es give u items with a higher value). So to all the people here saying "just grind more", yes that helps the individual player for the moment but it's not helping the game in the long run. It's also not a solution because it's not the actual problem. It's about those who cant invest more into the game or new players being scared by a huge grinding wall. If more and more players stop playing because they cant keep up the pace of the game it affects others too. They may get into the same situation and stop playing too and so on. im not blaming ~ im just point out that the ms wont stop being more and more expensive if there people fighting for it :d
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