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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Oh man if you haven't played Pokemon then you're in for a treat. I have 2 suggestions: (Non PRO related): Hmm, well since this is your first time playing pokemon ever, I would definitely start off with getting one of the DS handheld games if you're willing to spend money and a 3DS or 2DS if you don't have one. (For the games I recommend getting either Heartgold/Soulsilver version for the classic Kanto & Johto experience, or going with X/Y for a more modernized red/blue version experience). That's just my opinion though. (PRO related): My other suggestion is to take your time. As in lvling your pkmn/exploring the region's. All-in-all just enjoy it at your own pace and really soak in everything the game has to offer. Welcome to the world of Pokemon, Justin! If you want help in PRO or with Pokemon in general, my name in-game is: Corey. And/or you can add me on the forums.
  2. The reveal: TL;DW: I know, it's kind of old news but yea... WoW LEGION! Demon Hunter hero class, melee survival hunters, New PvP system :Sing:. I'm so pumped for it. What about you guys? What are your thoughts on Legion in general?
  3. I second that. Great program. :]
  4. My facebook news feed has been blowing up about this alot lately, and gotta say, it is Interesting. Now as much as I want it to be some kind of "Alien Megastructure". It's probably just some irregularity in space-time near KIC 8462852. Maybe some weird form of gravitational lensing? (I'm not claiming to be an Astrophysicist or anything so i'm probably wrong). If it doesn't turn out to be something "alien" then I personally would like it to be some new type of Star. Or better yet, maybe it could be some kind of completely new exotic space object. Scientist or not, this is a very cool discovery. I haven't been this curious about a space object since my NGC 1275 craze. Looks like i'll be dusting off my SETI@home program and start helping them out again. Found a paper about KIC on arxiv for the more technically inclined: The Ĝ Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations with Large Energy Supplies. IV. The Signatures and Information Content of Transiting Megastructures
  5. As of right now, sadly, no. :Cry: For example: After you beat a gym you can talk to the npc by the entrance to buy either 1 TM or 5 TM's of whatever that gym offers. Hopefully this gets changed once beta is over with though. :Sing:
  6. Hey Alpha, nice to meet ya again lol. In case you want to hangout, battle, trade, etc. my name in-game is: Corey. See ya around. :] And yea I agree, forum/in-game drama is pointless. Soo pointless. :Bored:
  7. I used to despise Zubats until I found out how awesome Crobat is (one of my fav. pkmn now). Now I catch Zu's for a good nature. But I really can't stand Rattata's/Raticate's. I mean, their abilities, stats & learnsets suck. Even their cry is annoying... (mainly b/c their cries remind me of when I used to work in a factory). But if Raticate got a mega evolution then I MIGHT consider changing my mind & if they change that cry too lol.
  8. I've watched about 7 eps of Aldnoah and just kinda stopped lol. Maybe i'll finish it. GATE looks really cool though. I'm probably gonna give it a watch. Thanks. :]
  9. I'm 24, gonna be 25 on the 23rd. Happy early b-day Iggi.
  10. I'm going to school for audio engineering so... everything. Literally. But my personal favorite genre's are: jazz (1930's-1950's), progressive (TesseracT; Meshuggah), dubstep (Excision; Knife Party), heavy metal (Lamb of God; Trivium), instrumental (Blotted Science; Plini), classical (Chopin; Bach; Debussy).
  11. This video never gets old lol. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  12. Haha, thanks Sickkitten. I tried to get into One Piece, but just couldn't. Same goes for Bleach and i've never watched naruto at all. Heard it's about ninjas? The only Shounen style anime I liked was Fullmetal Alchemist. Actually, come to think of it, I should've listed that in my favorites. :Crazy:
  13. Edit: Messed up this reply.. pls ignore this. Does anyone know how to delete posts?
  14. Cowboy is good from what i've seen. Got through to ep 7 and just kinda stopped though, which is weird since Outlaw & Cowboy are really similar. Idk just couldn't really get into it.
  15. Edit: Nevermind this unnecessary use of space. I messed up the reply lol. How do you delete posts? :confused:
  16. The one anime that I love and can watch again & again is definitely Outlaw Star. (I suppose b/c it was the first anime I ever watched lol) But coming in close behind it is Steins;Gate. (science fiction anime basically about time travel, multiverse theory & gelnana's)
  17. No Game No Life was an awesome anime. Loved the whole idea of being sucked into a game-oriented world. I'm hoping a season two will pop up soon. Death Note was good too. One of the first anime's I ever watched.
  18. Sure, we can do that. I'll put a couple links at the bottom of this post. :] I listen to literally everything. Going to school for music production requires me to know pretty much all genres lol. But, in general I listen to progressive/metal (TesseracT, Between the Buried and Me (new album only), Blotted Science (extremely technical), Meshuggah, etc.)) and Instrumental/Jazz/Classical to get inspired with making new jams with my band & for my personal music. I've been listening to ALOT of instrumental music lately like: Plini (very original music), Paul Wardingham's new album "The Human Affliction", Heights, Scale the Summit's new album "V", Dave Slonaker Big Band & Snarky Puppy (2 awesome big bands) and a bunch more. Here's my links: Personal music - https://soundcloud.com/chmusic318 (I don't have any up right now, mainly because i'm just too busy to fully mix & master my music) Or maybe it's that i'm too lazy lmao. Drum covers - https://www.reverbnation.com/chendrixdrums Oh? So you're a designer? er wait, do you design things on photoshop and print them to shirts? What kind of music do you make?
  19. Wow, nice guide. This had to have taken a long time.
  20. Hey guys! I'm Corey. Well, I'll keep this short and sweet for you. :P Been playing pokemon since I was 8. (16 years) Rolled a Bulbasaur for my first ever pkmn. (Red version) 5 favorite Pokemon: Umbreon, Weavile, Crobat, Gengar, Typhlosion. Johto is by far my favorite region in terms of the region itself, the pokemon & the story. :'] I'm going to school for Audio Engineering. (1 more year till I get my bachelors). :D I'm a musician. (Drums mainly & bass and piano) I have a "developing thing" for astronomy and astrophysics. I like anime. I enjoy anime's like: Outlaw Star (all time favorite), Steins;Gate (real close to outlaw star), Another, Ergo Proxy, Blue Sub #6 (oh how I miss Adultswim :\), Baccano. ... that is all. If you would like to meet up in-game for a battle (i'm still in Kanto) or to talk or whatever then my name in-game is: Corey. Happy catching! :]
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