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Everything posted by Mcwinsauce

  1. 800k :Grin:
  2. PM me on forums Sitan10 to work out a time to trade
  3. Heads up for those interested that this ends in about 5 hours.
  4. Start price 500k. Minimum increments of 50k. Auction ends Tuesday 27th at 9 pm GMT. Insta 1.6m
  5. Re: Wts epic goodra modest Sap Sipper <t>That link really doesn't like to load on chrome.</t>
  6. Someone got one and posted it to trade chat. Chat then went crazy. Have no idea how it was obtained though.
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <r><QUOTE author="babasti"><s> </e></QUOTE> Have you returned to the mayor? He gives you a hat then you can fight the boss on the beach (I think)!</r>
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <t>You get the clothes / hat for finishing the quest line, before you get to challenge the bosses. Also important to note is that both of the Magnezones dont know a fire move, So i was able to leech seed tank it with Ferrothorn to heal / revive up my other pokemon.</t>
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Rewards] <r>I don't remember the orders for the new bosses but they have Volcaronas, Mega Charizards (1 each), Blaziken/Infernape, Entei/something else, Both have Magnezone and finally, Volcanion for the first one and Reshiram for the second one.<br/> <br/> [Edit] I'll try and clear up the orders.<br/> <LIST><s> </s><LI>Volcarona<br/> Mega Charizard<br/> Entei/Moltres<br/> Blaziken/Infernape<br/> Magnezone<br/> Volcanion/Reshiram</LI><e></e></LIST> And my reward was 119 island points and a wailmer water mount. Boss cooldown seems to be 48 hours (My friend failed and has to wait that long to rechallenge)</r>
  10. Excited to go there, thanks!
  11. After you learn the answers it shouldn't take you more than 20 seconds to answer his questions. Yes, it isn't ideal. Yes, they're looking into it.
  12. It's called confirmation bias. You remember the times where RNG screws you instead of the times it doesn't.
  13. 3 threads, 4 posts, 1 image. :y:
  14. Re: PRO Viability Rankings(PVP) Updated: 9/19/2016 <t>I think some of the prankster supports are rated too high with many of their abilities not working. Klefki and Whimsicott in particular.</t>
  15. Found myself a Yamask. Remove my offer, please! Good luck with the rest of your sales!
  16. Due to the rarity of this pokemon, I reserve the right to not sell this pokemon if the auction ends without the price being to my satisfaction. Starting bid will be 500k with minimum increments of 100k. Auction will end Saturday 9 pm GMT.
  17. 550 yamask
  18. Took a screenshot to confirm bagon in feral site.
  19. You should be able to buy daycare egg moves from people on your server for a small fee per move. My tip for beating bosses would be to use tanky pokemon with leech seed. Since they're level 120 and leech seed always does 1/8th of their HP in damage it wears them down while healing yours for a bunch.
  20. Interested in the Yamask. PM me here or ingame :)
  21. Managed to buy MS for 300k on Blue yesterday. Yes some people sell (successfully) for more but you can still get deals. The whining here is incorrigible.
  22. Re: Selling Relaxed Ferroseed (25def/25spdef/23hp) > Lowered Insta Price! <r>Sold for the insta price!<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/dQK6kDm.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  23. Re: Selling Relaxed Ferroseed (25def/25spdef/23hp) > Lowered Insta Price! <r>850k ingame offer by Whatdesu<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/K9qC9o5.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  24. Re: Selling Relaxed Ferroseed (25def/25spdef/23hp) > Lowered Insta Price! <t>Lowered the insta price! :)</t>
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