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Everything posted by Mcwinsauce

  1. Does anyone know which island its on?
  2. Re: Selling Relaxed Ferroseed (25def/25spdef/23hp) <t>Bumpin'</t>
  3. Re: Selling Relaxed Ferroseed (25def/25spdef/23hp) <r>I believe rezzt has redacted his offer after I told him I would not be selling it for 1m insta. Therefore, the current highest bid is <br/> <QUOTE author="pmhieu2405"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  4. 350k chandelure can we get a new image of greninja, cant see its stats
  5. SOLD!
  6. Actually, the high prices encourages people to buy MS directly from the shop. It means that people can either buy it for themselves or sell it at a high price to others.
  7. Sold to ingame offer of 2m.
  8. Re: Location Of All Hidden Items - **Updated** <t>This was really helpful, thanks!</t>
  9. This was really useful, thanks!
  10. I've turned on my sound and hit space as soon as I hear the Riolu sound and had an encounter twice. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or if I was just lucky.
  11. Theres quite a few missing pokemon available from the daycare system.
  12. So I caught myself a ferrothorn intending to use it for pvp. Linked it into help chat asking for peoples recommended movesets and instantly got people offering me a lot more money than I assumed it was worth but they varied pretty widely. Does anyone have a ballpark figure for how much its worth? [Edit] Having issues with the image, it works if you right click open the image in a new tab.
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