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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. So, ich find kein adamant charmander mehr. Blöde Dinger. Ich poste trotzdem mal noch mein Growlith: Ada 31atk/23Sped honorable mentions: hätte wir mal rattata gefarmed wie Jaco das zwischendurch vorgeschlagen hat dann hätte ich hiermit gewonnen :Cool:
  2. Re: PVP POKES RUSH (lapras, gliscor , slaking , phanpy) <t>110k tyra</t>
  3. Re: The 100 <t>tyra 150k</t>
  4. Tangrowth could be noted too. Problem is, that the regenerator ability still doesnt work, which is maybe to strong to pass up. Maybe Tentacruel needs to be mentioned. At least as a nuisance for rain Team. It has rapidspin now and can annoy with toxic spikes, while being farly tanky.
  5. Quagsires unaware does not work and it currently cannot learn recover. Otherwise it would be super strong.
  6. Re: Epic Shop !! , only sell epic poke now <t>200 tyra</t>
  7. Re: Epic Shop !! , only sell epic poke now <t>110 tyra</t>
  8. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [updated 128 trees !!!] ✰ <t>sewaddle on route 33</t>
  9. Ryhorn 1. BO 2. BO 3. BO
  10. Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Aerodactyl !!] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰ <t>Clefable 170</t>
  11. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="azaiir"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have bo</r>
  12. topic says it all. post offers
  13. 30k chansey
  14. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <t>Magmar sold for 360k<br/> <br/> update</t>
  15. Auf jeden, jetzt darf ja gespoilert werden.
  16. welcome
  17. klingt gut
  18. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE> 24h from now</r>
  19. Re: GGplay's Shop: Pokemon and Items (Metal Coats Rare Candy) <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> 260k leads</r>
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