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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. i am at the red server, do you mean the normal pro irc chat?
  2. bump same problem
  3. insta is 1.5m start would be 1m
  4. Greetings, Discord Server to communicate: https://discord.gg/0144ho9fx0eNS6ljA Rules: 1. State clearly what you want 2. If you dont pay, your pokemon will remain in the box. for normal pokemon in the first evolution: lvlup 1-65 -> 1k per lvl lvlup 66-90 -> 2k per lvl lvlup 91-95 -> 3k per lvl lvlup 96-98 -> 5k per lvl lvlup 99-100 -> 10k per lvl for Tank-Pokemon, the prices are doubled new prices will be negotiated if you have already evolved your pokemon Ev Training 1 252 set = 25k Full Ev set = 50k Current Service and finished Jobs
  5. Hmm, i just try the rare candy in route 12. I might be wrong about respawn time, i just notice that i couldn't see the rare candy, but i still got it (Wich is weird, because i remember the second and third time i came to take that RC, pokeball was there, and now i couldn't see it but was there) yep happend to me too. I think someone said that it would respawn every 4 days
  6. Re: wts h.a drago h.a breloom, riolu <t>retract</t>
  7. topic says it all. post what you have
  8. Moin Jaco, hab gesehen du machst jetzt hier deine eigene Gilde. Conquest scheint ja ziemlich tot zu sein? Ich zock zwar im moment nicht wirklich so viel aber wenn ihr noch platz habt, dann würde ich mit machen. Anyway, ich hab immernoch dein Lapras.
  9. ^^ die Hoffnung stirb zuletzt ;) Wenn Hoenn kommt wäre es schon nice, wenn die Zustände besser wären, aber naja. Man wird sehen. Gut, dass ich im moment kein MS laufen habe. Das wäre derzeit ein echter waste.
  10. @ Slain Bist du schon in der Gilde? @ All Der Serverzustand derzeit ist ja wohl ein derartiger Witz. Total überlastet und andauernd rollbacks und DCs. Ich musste das hier mal raus lassen ;-)
  11. i think it was less. Wasnt it around 100 or 80? We started with 50 closed testers, i think
  12. you can have it for 50k. add me ingame
  13. you can have it for 60k for 10k, how about never?
  14. already sold. i have to update this. And 25k happiny 4 make an offer for the karp you can have the happi for 25 you have bo, but lfm
  15. Re: Kaley's Shop [+10 PKM from NEW TRAINER] <t>cant get onto the servers right now, so sell it.<br/> <br/> i start the swablu with 30k</t>
  16. Re: Kaley's Shop [+10 PKM from NEW TRAINER] <t>70k shroomish</t>
  17. Re: Kaley's Shop [New wave ADDED] [+Staryu unlucky farm] <t>yes "Shroomish 2"</t>
  18. Re: Kaley's Shop [New wave today] Edited early to add new B.O. <t>cleffa 50k<br/> slowbro 100k<br/> first shroomish 30k</t>
  19. topic says it all. post your stuff. This also counts for the evolutions of it.
  20. thx 4 trade
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