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  1. I pay good
  2. can you do 2.5 for greninja?
  3. schneider142 920 hours lucario pvp 18
  4. Hi my name is Schneider142 in game and schneider irl. my favorite pokemon is Greninja because of its design and ninjalike skillset my final objective is to collect alot of legendaries and play alot of pvp i have 910 hours played I am 18 i just started playing PRO again so im still trying to adapt to the new changes but i'd appreciate if i could get help building my team
  5. Hi my name is Schneider142 in game and schneider irl. my favorite pokemon is Greninja because of its design and ninjalike skillset my final objective is to collect alot of legendaries and play alot of pvp i have 910 hours played I am 18 i just started playing PRO again so im still trying to adapt to the new changes but i'd appreciate if i could get help building my team
  6. :y: great idea
  7. thank you daen andshelia for all u have done my ign is schneider142 and #95 :thanks:
  8. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <r>i am 16 years old and i like anime and i am from Maryland u.s<br/> my name in pro is schneider142<br/> i have 615 hours<br/> i want to have a good pvp team so i can rank up and have exclusive clothes and mounts<br/> i should be in this guild because i am very active and and the other guild i have been in where not very active<br/> i left my old guild because the leader was never online to help out<br/> my favorite pokemon is Shiny mega Rayquaza because it looks the coolest and is very strong<br/> i have discord but i don't have a microphone<br/> i am able to follow the rules but i got trade ban once because my pc shutdown during a trade and i got reported <br/> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  9. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>where do i post the survey?</t>
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